
You do realize that Obama didn't bring it up in his speech right? A reporter asked him about it afterward. I agree that he just should have made a no comment response.

Yep. Obama is not a stupid man but he acted stupidly in answering the question the way he did.


Staff member
Most likely if it had been a prominent white professor, he would have showed Id and not had a tantrum. And If he had a tantrum he would have been cuffed as was Gates, until he calmed down and co operated. And it never would have been in a speech on National TV, and I think the question was staged. Just so this could be brought into the limelight. I think we are comparing apples to oranges. Obama likes to interject discrimination at every chance. Instead of just promoting how far we have come as a nation against racial bigotry, Hence, Look hes proof.
Listen to yourself Tooner. First you say that there wouldn't have been a problem if it had been a white professor. This is a 58 year old college professor who has never been arrested in his life, and the first time he gets in trouble with the police your attitude is basically "typical black man". And then you accuse Obama of interjecting discrimination?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Most likely if it had been a prominent white professor, he would have showed Id and not had a tantrum. And If he had a tantrum he would have been cuffed as was Gates, until he calmed down and co operated. And it never would have been in a speech on National TV, and I think the question was staged. Just so this could be brought into the limelight. I think we are comparing apples to oranges. Obama likes to interject discrimination at every chance. Instead of just promoting how far we have come as a nation against racial bigotry, Hence, Look hes proof.

I agree. This is probably another case of a black man playing the race card. And I'm sure he was hoping he could hide behind the fact that he is a "prominent black professor" as well. If he mouthed off to the police and resisted then he, much like ANYONE else that does that, deserved what happened to him. As far as Obama's comments.....the teleprompter must have been off.


Well-Known Member
I think he may have thought that since he is friends with the President that he can talk to the police however he wanted. Well he mouthed off and it got his tail put in jail. The only difference is that the charges likely would not have been dropped if this were an average citizen but being a wealthy college professor with ties to the president gets him off the hook.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Listen to yourself Tooner. First you say that there wouldn't have been a problem if it had been a white professor. This is a 58 year old college professor who has never been arrested in his life, and the first time he gets in trouble with the police your attitude is basically "typical black man". And then you accuse Obama of interjecting discrimination?
If you are trying to say I am racist you are wrong. If I had "calibrated" my words differently, you would not think that. I feel he pulled the card because he has ties with Obama, and while I do not have time to pull his criminal history, I do feel he pulled the race card.
A man who has achieved scholar at Harvard did not need to pull that card.
Most people would have said ":censored2:" officer, you caught me breaking into my own house, well Yes Im a bonehead, here is my id with my address, yes go inside check it out, and thank you so much for your time. End of story.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well its easy to see how many of you watched the FAUX news coverage of this incident. By readng your "opinions", provided to you by FAUX news every hour since the story broke, its easy to get a laugh out of all of you.

What those of you "siding" with the sgt (again, provided to you by FAUX news) dont seem to know is this:

The Sgt in question WAS NOT in uniform when he responded to the home and was NOT WEARING his badge in plain sight. This was a point of contention with the professor.

He has a white guy and a hispanic guy with guns ordering him around in his OWN HOME and when he COMPLIES, yes, COMPLIES and shows his Identification, its SGT REDNECK who refuses to identify HIMSELF to the professor and proceeds to walk out of the professors home without identifying himself.

The professor angerily follows shouting at him for his identification which SGT REDNECK refuses to show...

Once out on the porch, the professor continues to shout at the SGT until the SGT decides to arrest him for disorderly. A charge which by the way didnt have a chance in hell of sticking, but he (the SGT) made the decision to teach the black professor a lesson.

Nothing this SGT did was orderly or proper. Once he identified the professor as the home owner, he should have apologized for the inconveniece and let cooler heads prevail.

But no, he was a SGT and he wasnt going to be talk to like the way he was by a black man, so he made it worse.

He felt he could just walk out in his plain clothes unidentified and the professor could go pound sand.

This is where the SGT made it worse.

I feel no sorrow for this officer, there are plenty of idiots on various police departments who blow their cool at the wrong time. This time it was his.

The president, sticking up for his friend made a comment, a personal comment protected by free speech. I agree with him.

The SGt in question acted stupidly.

FAUX news is the only news agency making this a big deal, and the republicans doing anything they can to try and mud this president are acting like idiots throwing this issue against the refrigerator like wet spaghetti.

I would like to find out WHO made the call to the police department about a break in, or was this simply this sgt's obsevation driving by seeing a black man in an affluent neighborhood?

Maybe it was a "white" neighbor who didnt like black people and made the call just to get the professor rousted?

Who knows, FAUX NEWS will not cover this angle...just the ones that gets its Brown cafe base excited enough to waste their saturday talking about it like parrots who ate a fresh batch of crackers...

This story will be gone out of the news cycle by next friday when some republican official will get caught doing something stupid again.

I laugh at you FAUX fans. Get a life.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Well its easy to see how many of you watched the FAUX news coverage of this incident. By readng your "opinions", provided to you by FAUX news every hour since the story broke, its easy to get a laugh out of all of you.

What those of you "siding" with the sgt (again, provided to you by FAUX news) dont seem to know is this:

The Sgt in question WAS NOT in uniform when he responded to the home and was NOT WEARING his badge in plain sight. This was a point of contention with the professor.

He has a white guy and a hispanic guy with guns ordering him around in his OWN HOME and when he COMPLIES, yes, COMPLIES and shows his Identification, its SGT REDNECK who refuses to identify HIMSELF to the professor and proceeds to walk out of the professors home without identifying himself.

The professor angerily follows shouting at him for his identification which SGT REDNECK refuses to show...

Once out on the porch, the professor continues to shout at the SGT until the SGT decides to arrest him for disorderly. A charge which by the way didnt have a chance in hell of sticking, but he (the SGT) made the decision to teach the black professor a lesson.

Nothing this SGT did was orderly or proper. Once he identified the professor as the home owner, he should have apologized for the inconveniece and let cooler heads prevail.

But no, he was a SGT and he wasnt going to be talk to like the way he was by a black man, so he made it worse.

He felt he could just walk out in his plain clothes unidentified and the professor could go pound sand.

This is where the SGT made it worse.

I feel no sorrow for this officer, there are plenty of idiots on various police departments who blow their cool at the wrong time. This time it was his.

The president, sticking up for his friend made a comment, a personal comment protected by free speech. I agree with him.

The SGt in question acted stupidly.

FAUX news is the only news agency making this a big deal, and the republicans doing anything they can to try and mud this president are acting like idiots throwing this issue against the refrigerator like wet spaghetti.

I would like to find out WHO made the call to the police department about a break in, or was this simply this sgt's obsevation driving by seeing a black man in an affluent neighborhood?

Maybe it was a "white" neighbor who didnt like black people and made the call just to get the professor rousted?

Who knows, FAUX NEWS will not cover this angle...just the ones that gets its Brown cafe base excited enough to waste their saturday talking about it like parrots who ate a fresh batch of crackers...

This story will be gone out of the news cycle by next friday when some republican official will get caught doing something stupid again.

I laugh at you FAUX fans. Get a life.
Oh great one
please post the article that says the policeman was not in uniform. I dont seem to be able to find that spin


Strength through joy
OTS; I read the police report, in which the sgt stated that he told Gates who he was, but since Gates was screaming at him or talking loudly on the phone he must not of heard the sgt's responses. Which by the way the sgt also stated these facts on a local tv broadcast. So there are several sources of the sgt's actions available , printed and audio.
I'm still waiting for the audio police tapes to be released, should be a top ten seller. Especially since Gates plans to do a documentary film about this.
Kind of funny that Gates would already have plans about this minor event in development. Since the lawsuits and counter lawsuits have not even be filed yet.

I suggest that you and diesel96 contact Gates soon before all the good parts in his movie are filled.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The responses from certain people on the site just shows how some only see what they want to see. Yes, the cop was out of uniform but if the entitlement minded professor hadn't been shooting off at the mouth he might have heard the cop identify himself. Oh I can't wait to see what comes out of the 911 and police audio. If we ever get access to it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
OTS; I read the police report, in which the sgt stated that he told Gates who he was, but since Gates was screaming at him or talking loudly on the phone he must not of heard the sgt's responses. Which by the way the sgt also stated these facts on a local tv broadcast. So there are several sources of the sgt's actions available , printed and audio.
I'm still waiting for the audio police tapes to be released, should be a top ten seller. Especially since Gates plans to do a documentary film about this.
Kind of funny that Gates would already have plans about this minor event in development. Since the lawsuits and counter lawsuits have not even be filed yet.

I suggest that you and diesel96 contact Gates soon before all the good parts in his movie are filled.


"telling someone" your a cop and proving it are TWO different things.

This SGT REFUSED to show his IDENTIFICATION, plain and simple, this has been corraborated by the other officer at scene. "Telling" the professor with a gun in his hand and without a BADGE in plain sight would anger anyone.

The whole "break in" angle could be a hoax "cooked" up by this SGT.

Someone on this site "show me the money" and provide the actual telephone call or reporting person who made this call?

Tell ya what, save your time, it doesnt exist. This was ( in my opinion) just a roust of a black man in an affluent neighborhood by an over zealous white officer who made a terrible mistake.

A pissing contest is just that, a pissing contest. The bigger man should have been the SGT, by simply complying with the "homeowner" and identifying himself and calming things down, versus turning his back and trying to walk out after threatening the professor with a gun.

Every man is a king of his castle, and once that is established, game over, police or not, this SGT had no right to continue with the hard line attitude.

I could care less who he gave mouth to mouth to, it has nothing to do with this lack of judgement.

SGT redneck acted like a redneck. He didnt believe he "owed" the professor an apology at the scene for anything. This is how people expect black people to be treated even in todays world.

FAUX news has provided some peripheral info but NOT THE WHOLE STORY.

Reason, so brown cafe right wing kooks can run with the ball....

Unfortunately, the truth prevails and this story will die a quiet death.

Keep banging the drums FAUX FANS, you still are demonstrating why you lost the highest office in the land.

Answer: McCain / Palin another case of acting:



"Hang in there!"

"telling someone" your a cop and proving it are TWO different things.

This SGT REFUSED to show his IDENTIFICATION, plain and simple, this has been corraborated by the other officer at scene. "Telling" the professor with a gun in his hand and without a BADGE in plain sight would anger anyone.

The whole "break in" angle could be a hoax "cooked" up by this SGT.

Someone on this site "show me the money" and provide the actual telephone call or reporting person who made this call?

Tell ya what, save your time, it doesnt exist. This was ( in my opinion) just a roust of a black man in an affluent neighborhood by an over zealous white officer who made a terrible mistake.

A pissing contest is just that, a pissing contest. The bigger man should have been the SGT, by simply complying with the "homeowner" and identifying himself and calming things down, versus turning his back and trying to walk out after threatening the professor with a gun.

Every man is a king of his castle, and once that is established, game over, police or not, this SGT had no right to continue with the hard line attitude.

I could care less who he gave mouth to mouth to, it has nothing to do with this lack of judgement.

SGT redneck acted like a redneck. He didnt believe he "owed" the professor an apology at the scene for anything. This is how people expect black people to be treated even in todays world.

FAUX news has provided some peripheral info but NOT THE WHOLE STORY.

Reason, so brown cafe right wing kooks can run with the ball....

Unfortunately, the truth prevails and this story will die a quiet death.

Keep banging the drums FAUX FANS, you still are demonstrating why you lost the highest office in the land.

Answer: McCain / Palin another case of acting:

Well, I guess that settles that, since you were obviously there and know what took place. How could we all dare to comment when all we had to go on was news reports and eyewitness statements?


The whole "break in" angle could be a hoax "cooked" up by this SGT.

This was ( in my opinion) just a roust of a black man in an affluent neighborhood by an over zealous white officer who made a terrible mistake.
True, it could be a hoax and you are entitled to your opinion. This being said, none of us were there to prove/disprove what happened. Any of us could make any story up about this case just to stir up someone with a differing view point. Why get all worked up over nothing? JMHO, as always.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How about just going on with your lives and not following the lead of the worst news agency on the planet?

The whole current events threads are nothing more those who favor the right wing nonsense aired on FAUX and repeated here as facts..

Reading thru the posts on this particular thread, the sgt is obviously innocent and the black man obviously guilty of something.

This is what right wing propaganda does on FAUX news.

Why hasnt FOX extended an offer to the professor to come on the air and tell "his" side of the story?? HMMM?

Thats right, cause it wont fit the distortion they sold you already.

Get over this case already, it was not worth your efforts.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The important lesson of all this is this......those of the liberal persuasion always seem to come in on the side of those that claim to be the victim. So, if you eve find yourself in one of these situations make sure you beat the other person to the punch and claim to be the victim so that you can gain the full and unconditional support of the liberals in this country. That is, of course.....unless you are white.


Strength through joy

Please read my post #43 on Re: Sticking his nose........

More from that article;
The Arrival .......
Gates........(When Crowley arrived ) I said "Officer,can I help you?"
Crowley responded, "Would you step outside onto the porch"...and I said out of instinct, "NO, I will not".
Crowley........He demanded to know who I was. I told him I was Sgt Crowley from the Cambridge police and I was investigating a report of a break-in at the residence. While I was making this statement, Gates opened the front door and exclaimed, "why, because I'm a black man in America?" I then asked Gates, if there was anyone else in the residence. While yelling, he told me that it was none of my business and accused me of being a racist police officer....Gates then turned to me and told me that I had " no idea who I was messing with " and that I had not heard the last of it.


Strength through joy

"telling someone" your a cop and proving it are TWO different things.
so explain why gates is quoted as say "Officer ,can I help you ?"

This SGT REFUSED to show his IDENTIFICATION, plain and simple, this has been corraborated by the other officer at scene. "Telling" the professor with a gun in his hand and without a BADGE in plain sight would anger anyone.
According to Crowley, Gates could not hear his response due to all the yelling he was doing
The whole "break in" angle could be a hoax "cooked" up by this SGT.
He was responding to a police radio call, did he manufacture that, too ?
Someone on this site "show me the money" and provide the actual telephone call or reporting person who made this call?
Her name is Lucia Whalen, her office is on the same street, and she had been aware of other break-ins in the area.
Tell ya what, save your time, it doesnt exist. This was ( in my opinion) just a roust of a black man in an affluent neighborhood by an over zealous white officer who made a terrible mistake.
You better research Cambridge, Mass. This is the most liberal city on the East coast. These people pride themselves on displaying bumper stickers for Kerry/Edwards,Impeach Bush, Gay rights,O, Free Tibet,and any and every liberal cause. The local joke in these parts is to call the City Of Cambridge, the Peoples Republic of Cambridge.
A pissing contest is just that, a pissing contest. The bigger man should have been the SGT, by simply complying with the "homeowner" and identifying himself and calming things down, versus turning his back and trying to walk out after threatening the professor with a gun.
I have not seen any reports from either side that report that a gun had been drawn.

Every man is a king of his castle, and once that is established, game over, police or not, this SGT had no right to continue with the hard line attitude.
According to all reports as the sgt was leaving Gates followed him out, still yelling. Enough so that people passing by stopped to watch.
I could care less who he gave mouth to mouth to, it has nothing to do with this lack of judgement.
From all reports it was Gates who had the lack of judgment.
His yelling is what lead to the arrest,and was justified in order to defuse the situation. But if you want to believe Gates' version " I have a severe bronchial infection. So I couldn't have yelled." be my guest . Let's see your response after the police tapes are made public.
SGT redneck acted like a redneck. He didnt believe he "owed" the professor an apology at the scene for anything. This is how people expect black people to be treated even in todays world.
Talk about quite a racist remark.

FAUX news has provided some peripheral info but NOT THE WHOLE STORY.
That why I'm getting my facts from local papers and friends in Cambridge.
Reason, so brown cafe right wing kooks can run with the ball....
And liberals can get on their high horses and declare that they are too smart to be caught up in this nonsense.
Unfortunately, the truth prevails and this story will die a quiet death.
With egg all over Gates' face.
Keep banging the drums FAUX FANS, you still are demonstrating why you lost the highest office in the land.

Answer: McCain / Palin another case of acting:


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ok, like I said, the initial reports that FAUX news ran with and you all repeated here on this thread are FALSE. The woman who made the "call" to the police is saying today thru her attorney that she NEVER TOLD THE POLICE THERE WERE TWO BLACK MEN BREAKING INTO THE HOME.

Even though this is in SGT CROWLEYS report that this was the radio call he responded to and what he told professor Gates.

Now, who is the liar?

The police department has reviewed the 911 tapes and confirm what the caller is saying. The tapes are to be released soon.

The call, as stated by the caller merely said she saw 2 men (without race mentioned) looking like they were trying to force open a door.

It was Crowley who added that they were black.

OOPS... looks like FAUX gets caught up running with misinformation again and spreading it on the air to you loyal listeners.

SGT crowleys report clearly states that he was told there were 2 black men breaking into the home and this is NOT TRUE.

You all better cool your jets on this one until all the facts surface.

You already look silly.



Strength through joy[email protected]

Listen to the tapes yourself.
If you also listen to the 911 call, you would hear that 2 women actually were making the call.
According to Ms Whalen's attorney, she never spoke with Crowley at the house, which would make Crowley's police report inaccurate. Much like the statements made by Gates' attorney.
Now its attorney vs attorney vs Crowley, makes one wonder why everyone but the cop needs someone else to speak for them ?


Staff member
At this point I'll just be glad when those guys have their beer together and this (should have been) non-controversy fades away from our collective consciousness....