Stupidvisors working...a political debate

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

You may be on to something there. Maybe 2012, we will actually get someone we could all be impressed with. Instead of the lesser of 3 evils.
but which one of the three is better than the other two, as all i see from all three is a bunch of BS. Nothing like having three career politicans running for another political office.:biting:


Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

my god republicans your just not very bright are you

Hmmm, dissed by an anonymous unregistered poster. Actually, sir, maybe YOU are the one who is not very bright. In your *one* sentence, I count nine grammatical errors. Here, let me correct that for you:

"My God, Republicans! You're just not very bright, are you?"


Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

"My God, Republicans! You're just not very bright, are you?"


If you're going to come here and post and attack members of Brown Cafe for not being bright, you can't do so while making 9 gramatical errors in one sentence. I can see one, but anymore than that and your credibilty goes in the trash barrel.

You're also giving a bad rep. to your fellow democrats when you talk like that.

Thank Over9five for doing the editing for us!


Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

This thread is awe inspiring. It makes me laugh how many people in 2008 continue to vote against their own interests. Brainwashed America, land of the free and misinformed. Just because you are employed by a corporate behemoth doesn't mean you should automatically vote Republican. Both parties are complete trash and way too extreme. I'm a registered Independent and I plan on voting for Obama, he's the first candidate in my lifetime that stands for palpable change. He has a mind of his own and doesn't support this delusional and insane American nationalism that has taken hold since 9/11.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

I guess voting this election season will be for the lesser of evils.

Republicans- Why is it that "trickle down economics" made famous by Reagan, and practiced by Bush, is made out to be such a great economic practice? In May they will be sending out tax rebates to millions of Americans in hopes of stimulating the economy. I'd call that trickle up economics. Bush thinks this is going to work right? Will someone please tell me why they now think "trickle up" is the way to go? Or is it his last chance to pad the pockets of big oil? I'm thinking gas will hit at least $4 by then and all of us Americans will be giving those rebates right to "Big Oil"

Democrats- Why in the world is universal health care the way to go as far as fixing our health care system now? What has the government gotten their hands into, that they made better by doing so? Retirement monies for the elderly via Social Security? I don't think so! Why can't the government fix the health care system we have now? Why have insurance premiums tripled for some over the last decade, while the benefits have declined? Sounds to me like Universal Health Care is just another ploy to tax us even more, leaving us worse off than before. Besides- Where are we going to get all this money to pay for it? I don't recall any candidate giving a definite answer to that question and I've watched all 20 debates. Universal health care didn't pass before and it won't now! Don't be naive. What about Iraq? We're just going to leave and Iran is going to go right in along with all the Muslim extremists causing us to HAVE to go right back in. This time we won't advance to Baghdad as easily as we did the first time. Not to mention how ticked off Saudi Arabia is going to be. We will lose countless more American soldiers than we already have. And for what?

Independents: Please explain why Obama is qualified to be our next President? It is nice to hear all of his inspiring words and all, but he has no definitive legislative accomplishments. He's a Junior Senator who voices change all the time. He never actually says what he's going to change and how he'll change it. He's never challenged by the media because right now he's their "darling". I'm guessing soon some bad stuff, that is going to make everyone think twice, will come out in the media. Think his Church affiliations and Tony Rezco land deals. I'm sure they'll dig up more. Anyone that thinks Obama is going to change anything is going to be in for a rude awakening. Think Bush screwed up this country over the las eight years? Wait till Obama gets in. Besides, every election cycle is about change. Obama just beat Hilary to the punch as the candidate to base their campaign on it.

In my opinion, if Obama gets the nomination, or Hilary for that matter, we will be hearing of countless terrorist plots being interrupted around August-September. If things get really hairy for McCain we may even see one get through. That would, after all, guarantee his victory in November.

These are just my opinions / thoughts, I didn't intend to offend anyone.
Re: Stupidvisors working...

I think your vote should be opposite of what the majority of congress is. Better checks & balances that way. No free-for-all.

This is precisely why our Founding Fathers in their infinite wisdom set up a republican (small r) type of government with three branches (executive, legislative judicial) to curb the excesses of each other.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

This is precisely why our Founding Fathers in their infinite wisdom set up a republican (small r) type of government with three branches (executive, legislative judicial) to curb the excesses of each other.

Good point. Too bad term limits weren't included in with the legislative and judicial branches. These shouldn't be life-long jobs and appointments.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

This thread is awe inspiring. It makes me laugh how many people in 2008 continue to vote against their own interests. Brainwashed America, land of the free and misinformed. Just because you are employed by a corporate behemoth doesn't mean you should automatically vote Republican. Both parties are complete trash and way too extreme. I'm a registered Independent and I plan on voting for Obama, he's the first candidate in my lifetime that stands for palpable change. He has a mind of his own and doesn't support this delusional and insane American nationalism that has taken hold since 9/11.

Sorry Griff, Im not real happy with any of the 3, but just what change do you see in OBAMA? I see same old same old. Promises he cant keep, at least I hope he cant. And a bunch of rhetoric, basically aimed at the ill-informed wanting more social programs.
I am just a dumb truck driver, but I can see through his naivety~I know you can.
With Hillary, thats also scary,,,,,,but I feel at least she may listen to what the others in /congress /senate, leaders think. He is too arrogant. Shes arrogant also, but she thinks she has experience. He just think he has all the answers.
Mcain, not my first choice. I think if a terrorist suspect has info, I dont care what it takes to get it, water boarding seems small. From his experience, I can see why, he is against it, but we do not cut off the heads of people, we just pretend we are drowning them , we dont.
Mcain is old, and will not garner the vote of the young and black. Hillary is totally unlikeable, and wont get the young or black vote. And Mcain wont get the young vote at all, or many republicans, or the women vote. So my prediction is Obama will get it, but for all the wrong reasons. he will get the women vote, he will get the black vote, he will get the young vote. And if he is not the nominee, the women, and the black will stay home, then mcain wins.
I think the Americans running this vote are Americans who never voted, or for that matter cared who ran. I think they are voting on a dream of someone who can change their lives, when in fact the people must take initiative to change their own lives.
My theories are based on what I see and read. When Obama came to Youngstown, Ohio.I saw a gaggle of people out I never have seen. Do they have the right to vote, absolutely. Do they have the right to vote in someone who will tax those of us who work to give to those of us who dont? It looks like they do. Do they have the right to vote in someone who has no more experience in world affairs than you or I? I guess they do. Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. And Im guessing you think the past 7 yrs under Bush was bad? Personally I dont. I am better off than I have ever been. Just wait til 2009-2012, if we dont vote someone in who promises not to raise taxes, instead of telling you HE/SHE will.
You may begin the stoning at your discretion.:whiteflag:


golden ticket member
Re: Stupidvisors working...


Regarding the youth......they can be big time supporters and rally around a certain candidate, but when it comes to the actual voting day will they go to the polls and vote ??

Obama scares me. If I believe only 1 of the 10 negative things written about him in the rags, that's enough for me. You know, those rags turn out to be pretty accurate in the long run.

When they mention Obama in the same breath as Farrakhan, that's scary!

Hillary is a witch seeking power. (IMHO)

McCain is my only choice left. I hope he has wonderful people around him to advise him about the many non-military matters and also that he picks a great VP.


Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

Sorry Griff, Im not real happy with any of the 3, but just what change do you see in OBAMA? I see same old same old. Promises he cant keep, at least I hope he cant. And a bunch of rhetoric, basically aimed at the ill-informed wanting more social programs.
I am just a dumb truck driver, but I can see through his naivety~I know you can.
With Hillary, thats also scary,,,,,,but I feel at least she may listen to what the others in /congress /senate, leaders think. He is too arrogant. Shes arrogant also, but she thinks she has experience. He just think he has all the answers.
Mcain, not my first choice. I think if a terrorist suspect has info, I dont care what it takes to get it, water boarding seems small. From his experience, I can see why, he is against it, but we do not cut off the heads of people, we just pretend we are drowning them , we dont.
Mcain is old, and will not garner the vote of the young and black. Hillary is totally unlikeable, and wont get the young or black vote. And Mcain wont get the young vote at all, or many republicans, or the women vote. So my prediction is Obama will get it, but for all the wrong reasons. he will get the women vote, he will get the black vote, he will get the young vote. And if he is not the nominee, the women, and the black will stay home, then mcain wins.
I think the Americans running this vote are Americans who never voted, or for that matter cared who ran. I think they are voting on a dream of someone who can change their lives, when in fact the people must take initiative to change their own lives.
My theories are based on what I see and read. When Obama came to Youngstown, Ohio.I saw a gaggle of people out I never have seen. Do they have the right to vote, absolutely. Do they have the right to vote in someone who will tax those of us who work to give to those of us who dont? It looks like they do. Do they have the right to vote in someone who has no more experience in world affairs than you or I? I guess they do. Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. And Im guessing you think the past 7 yrs under Bush was bad? Personally I dont. I am better off than I have ever been. Just wait til 2009-2012, if we dont vote someone in who promises not to raise taxes, instead of telling you HE/SHE will.
You may begin the stoning at your discretion.:whiteflag:

He just seems to be less mentally polluted and corrupt compared to a typical politician. I guess you can credit that to his inexperience they keep blathering on about. I think he is the best candidate to get us back on track. I vote for my interests and he fits the bill for most of them. I'm completely against Bush and the last 7 years has been hell on earth for middle America. Trillions of dollars wasted on a high security clearance extortion scheme.

I just don't understand what anyone has to gain by voting Republican as part of the middle class, especially being in a union.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

WEll because we work for a large corporation, doesnt mean we should vote Republican, and just coz we are in the Teamsters, doesnt mean we should vote for Obama. You are completely right we have to vote for who will work for our interests. Thanks for the opinion. We need this discussion, as no one will be perfect in all ways.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...


Regarding the youth......they can be big time supporters and rally around a certain candidate, but when it comes to the actual voting day will they go to the polls and vote ??

I think they will and they should. I should have paid more attention when I was younger. we all should pay attention now. But all who vote should vote because they have educated themselves on a candidate, and the issues, and not coz "My Dad has voted this way forever", etc. Sometimes one party is not the best, to vote a straight ticket.


Well-Known Member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

WEll because we work for a large corporation, doesnt mean we should vot Republican, and just coz we are in the Teamsters, doesnt mean we should vote for Obama. You are completely right we have to vote for who will work for our interests. Thanks for the opinion. We need this discussion, as no one will be perfect in all ways.

I didn't vote for Kerry when the Teamsters endorsed him. I knew I was voting for Obama before the Teamsters announced their backing of him. I typically don't like getting involved in political conversations, I get carried away very easily (what else is new :happy2:). Pieces of my original post weren't directed at you or anyone on this site, it was just a blanket statement on my view of voting America. I just took extra notice and felt the need to respond to your "us working for a big company" bit. I should of structured the paragraph better, after reading almost looked like an attack on you. UPS is a survivor and what we are talking about is a blanket crackdown on big business, so it isn't centered around bringing UPS down. The adage about not biting the hand that feeds you has been thrown around on this site recently and the government certainly knows who feeds them.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

I didnt take it as an attack. I appreciate the discussion. Its one of the few places where we can discuss, and get others views. im not supporting anyone at the moment, I liked Huckabee, as I like the idea of Fair tax. Im sick of tax. When I get my stimulus, I will use it to pay school tax. I guess he turned out to be a huckster, but at least he was funny, and doesnt like tax:greedy:Like me.
I dont know if you were here for the 2004 election. We had some great discourse. I hope we will this time too, but it started way to early for me!


Staff member
Re: Teamster for McCain

<sigh> I'm gonna take the fall, and give ya my views....

Clinton. I hate her. Hate, hate, hate! Am I clear on this??? I REALLY hate when she says how more experienced she is than Obama. She has, what, 8 years in the Senate? Obama has 12 years if you combine his Senate years with his Illinois congress years. If I hear her say how "thrilled" she is to be somewhere one more time....!

Obama. I actually like him. He is so professional, yes you could say "presidential". I believe him when he talks about change, or at least I believe he wants change. I just don't know if there's any substance, anything REAL behind the words.

McCain. Safety for the country. Here it is. The other two want to surrender in the war on terror. McCain will keep the country safe, just like President Bush. Keep those damn terrorists busy over there, so they can't hurt us here.

Also, why would any good Teamster vote against McCain? Through his family business, he employs union workers.

Clinton was on the WalMart BOD for years. WalMart! The most anti-union company on the face of the earth! She never uttered a word in support of a union there. Some say she worked against unions there, but I cannot confirm that, and she won't say.

Did I mention I hate Clinton?


Re: Stupidvisors working...

This thread is awe inspiring. It makes me laugh how many people in 2008 continue to vote against their own interests. Brainwashed America, land of the free and misinformed. Just because you are employed by a corporate behemoth doesn't mean you should automatically vote Republican. Both parties are complete trash and way too extreme. I'm a registered Independent and I plan on voting for Obama, he's the first candidate in my lifetime that stands for palpable change. He has a mind of his own and doesn't support this delusional and insane American nationalism that has taken hold since 9/11.

if you plan to vote for obama then you should register democrat so you can help him in the primaries.

Question griff it appears this stupidvisors working thread got hijacked into a political thread yet you're not complaining?


Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

Keep those damn terrorists busy over there, so they can't hurt us here.
Whenever I hear that particular argument it always reminds of this :happy2::



Staff member
Re: Stupidvisors working...

Say what you will.

I've seen NO terrorist attacks in America since before the war in Iraq (remember 9/11? I haven't forgotten like most Americans seem to have).

You have fallen into the Liberal Media trap, where they refuse to report on terrorist casualties we inflict, BUT they're perfectly willing to post a daily American body count. We've killed more of them, than they have of us. Unfortunately, that conflicts with the Liberal Media agenda, so you'll never hear it from them.