Sturgis Is A Cesspool


Well-Known Member
The state of Minnesota Dept. of Health and the CDC say the Sturgis Drug Biker Rally is the reason for the super spreader in Minn. This after a two month investigation in to contact tracing.
Great, let them figure out the reasons for unwanted pregnancies, maybe they can prevent abortions.


Well-Known Member
You are saying they infected the residents of South Dakota with the virus?


If you are interested why I make this claim, just ask.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Supreme Court put out their circuit assignment's ( something that the Supreme Court does and has been doing since the 1700s ) to be put in affect immediately . Putting mostly conservative judges in charge of states like Pennsylvania , Michigan , Wisconsin . Grab your popcorn it's going to be an interesting ride , Dems if you're not nervous , you should be !!!! :thumbup: :nervoussmiley:


Well-Known Member
We had no riots in small Midwestern towns. Lots of COVID deaths. 47 deaths in the last 24 hours. A new record.
Most of the U.S. hasn't been infected yet. As the virus spreads it unfortunately will kill people. But most won't die. Doesn't take a super spreader event to do it either. Truckers travel all over the U.S. Millions every day. If you think you're going to contain this virus without a vaccine you're kidding yourself.
Most of the U.S. hasn't been infected yet. As the virus spreads it unfortunately will kill people. But most won't die. Doesn't take a super spreader event to do it either. Truckers travel all over the U.S. Millions every day. If you think you're going to contain this virus without a vaccine you're kidding yourself.
Truckers mostly drive alone or with one partner, Only stop for fuel and a sandwich until they reach their destination and then just wait in their truck to be loaded or unloaded. Not a lot of contact with the outside world except for lot lizards and even then most with families don't partake.


Truckers mostly drive alone or with one partner, Only stop for fuel and a sandwich until they reach their destination and then just wait in their truck to be loaded or unloaded. Not a lot of contact with the outside world except for lot lizards and even then most with families don't partake.

Why do I see so many trucks at the casinos if this is true

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Truckers mostly drive alone or with one partner, Only stop for fuel and a sandwich until they reach their destination and then just wait in their truck to be loaded or unloaded. Not a lot of contact with the outside world except for lot lizards and even then most with families don't partake.
You’ve never read Stephen King, have you.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I have, I like them. I've read Richard Bachman as well. The Long Walk, good read
Give thanks, my brother, Best Thanksgiving Wishes for you and your loved ones. :thumbup1:

Buy a new pair of cowboy boots, toy earned them.
We went small this Thanksgiving, but always room for one more. God bless!


Well-Known Member
Truckers mostly drive alone or with one partner, Only stop for fuel and a sandwich until they reach their destination and then just wait in their truck to be loaded or unloaded. Not a lot of contact with the outside world except for lot lizards and even then most with families don't partake.
You don't spend much time in truck stops do you?