Sturgis Is A Cesspool


Well-Known Member
You should tell the local governments in the Dakotas. They’re wasting time having meetings if everyone is wearing masks. I hope there are people brighter than you for everyone’s safety.
I'm roaming around town. Everywhere is requiring a mask. In Bismarck you could walk around the mall without one but couldn't enter stores without one. In Rapid City the same. Can't enter restaurants without one, nor gas stations or truckstops. When are you going to learn that liberals online have an agenda? Oh, wait...

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
Sturgis is hosting a biker rally. These clowns who are not the most hygienic people to begin with, are gathering without masks. Packing bars and sweating all over each other. Hairy, toothless, overweight men, smoking cigarettes and pot just to go on a bike ride. Of course Sturgis will be a hotspot as well as the entire state in 3 weeks. Just in time to introduce influenza season. It’s going to be a long deadly winter in SD. Not to mention 84 of these bikers were arrested. There have been over 18 crashes.

Why you telling us... if you had any sack you'd go there and tell them like a man.
The state of Minnesota Dept. of Health and the CDC say the Sturgis Drug Biker Rally is the reason for the super spreader in Minn. This after a two month investigation in to contact tracing.