Sturgis Is A Cesspool


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Two idiots on bikes crashed into each other in Sturgis both dead, a third rider is sitting in a hospital. It’s nice that police resources are being wasted on drunks.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Two idiots on bikes crashed into each other in Sturgis both dead, a third rider is sitting in a hospital. It’s nice that police resources are being wasted on drunks.

Hey, the more police resources that are spent on Trump voters accidentally killing each other rather than black men purposefully killing each other, the better! Right?


Retired 23 years
Two idiots on bikes crashed into each other in Sturgis both dead, a third rider is sitting in a hospital. It’s nice that police resources are being wasted on drunks.
Name any city with a population of over 250,000 and I'm sure you can find some crazy accidents happening. Especially if you put that 250,000 plus on motorcycles. :poop: happens.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what goes on at these criminal bike gang rallies. Trump should be sending in the military to clean up the mess in Sturgis. It’s disgusting.
I hope he does just as soon as they start rioting and looting. Meanwhile has plenty of rioters and looters destroying Democrat controlled cities. Heard Antifa was run out of a nice neighborhood. It's a start.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Rampant talk of how much these monsters hate the federal government. Traitors the whole lot of ‘em. Trump needs to crack some skulls.

They've got the constitutionally-protected right to talk about how they hate the federal government. Let us know when they start trying to destroy federal buildings. That's not constitutionally protected and grounds for arrest.


Most of the "true biker types" have developed a bulletproof immune system over the years with their life styles. The majority of Sturgis is your everyday workingman living his dream for a couple of weeks then back to the grind.

So UPS drivers basically?


Well-Known Member
Sturgis is hosting a biker rally. These clowns who are not the most hygienic people to begin with, are gathering without masks. Packing bars and sweating all over each other. Hairy, toothless, overweight men, smoking cigarettes and pot just to go on a bike ride. Of course Sturgis will be a hotspot as well as the entire state in 3 weeks. Just in time to introduce influenza season. It’s going to be a long deadly winter in SD. Not to mention 84 of these bikers were arrested. There have been over 18 crashes.

some sissy boy is oozing jealousy over real bike riding men


Well-Known Member
The main stream media protects the criminals on bikes in Sturgis. These bikers are white. When white people get arrested in large amounts it’s not as news worthy. 84 arrests so far. I’m sure all are just misunderstandings. Nothing violent, you know alcohol is involved.

well it is a protest


Well-Known Member
The women who attend Sturgis are cute if you’re into sagging chests and fupas. Strippers aren’t great looking women. That’s why they perform in the dark on stage. The ratio of men to women at a Sturgis rally is 29 men to 1 women. Most of you are sleeping with something other than women when attending.

old white bitches with sagging tits are also allowed to have fun. ttku