Yet staying hydrated is a safety method. Gotta love this place.
yep thats capitalism for ya; they only want you to be safe as long as it doesnt cut into their profits
i used to work on a bunch of different railways and they always had all kinds of safety propaganda. the big 2 railways had managers in the bush spying on workers. they probably had some kind of quota for firing or disciplining workers. it was total tyranny.
anyways i was just thinking about the railway cars the other days, they have totally inadequate platforms on the side for you to ride on; some of them anyways. it was a big
ing joke. there was no way you could get a good grip on them.
aside from that they would give you a 2 hour call in teh middle of the night expecting you to be able to stay awake moving a train for 12 hours. they had a whole city burn down in quebec because of antiquated equipment. its corporate crime; just like how the banks destroyed the economy.