Supena for court


Well-Known Member
But do you need off whole trial or just day/days you testify?

if your really gonna need be off for whole trial the Insurance question is what you need answered that could blow up on you if you got sick or hurt and your coverage had lapsed. And you can’t get a straight answer to that on BC as we are covered by so many different plans and union locals.

In my area I could be off close to six months before coverage would lapse. Our plan works on a dollar bank system company pays in set amount per month (roughly $2100) into your plan bank then the plan deducts monthly premium which is not quite that much, so after number of years you end up with a surplus in your bank. They cap your surplus a six months worth of premiums.

Ask Stewart the Steward of better yet union hall about how insurance contributions and qualifications work in your area.

As far as pay goes they can’t force you to not have your scheduled vacation time and Option day time that your u have properly scheduled under the contract. If they pay you for time off at trial they should give you layoff days when your scheduled time off comes along. Saw that happen on FMLA case, member used week of vacation pay during FMLA then had no vacation hours for scheduled vacation but he took time anyway, week was coded as “vacation-prepaid“ just like always and of course he didn’t get a paycheck the following Friday, but he didn’t miss his planned vacation.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some lawyer forces me to appear in court, they better pay me lost wages or my answers might not be how they want.


Pineapple King
I would not call the union hall or talk to your steward. You can, but you should call whatever number you have that gets you to whomever carries your healthcare whether it be Teamcare or whoever they will have the correct answer to what your coverage is and what happens if you miss two weeks being paid.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Uh..that’s illegal
Don't think so. Witnesses are covered for expenses all the time.

New Jersey Court Rule 4:14-7(b)(1) provides that a subpoened witness shall be reimbursed for the “out-of-pocket” expenses and loss of pay incurred in attending the deposition.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Don't think so. Witnesses are covered for expenses all the time.

New Jersey Court Rule 4:14-7(b)(1) provides that a subpoened witness shall be reimbursed for the “out-of-pocket” expenses and loss of pay incurred in attending the deposition.
Your testimony isn’t influenced by it. Pretty sure that’s illegal.


Well-Known Member
I loved serving on Grand Jury.. got a week off with pay three months running! Plus you get short versions of s lot of cases. Some pretty interesting 💩.

One case stands out guy was accused of attacking a doctor and clinic employee leaving the town clinic. He took the docs car keys and stole her car from parking lot. Sadly, he did this on Unalaska Island out in the Aleutian Islands. Only a few hundred permanent residents and the road system on the island is not what you would consider “robust”.

They literally let him drive around till he ran out of gas then arrested him. We asked DA if we could add a felonious count of Stupidity to the list of charges. Geez!