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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Only an inexperienced BA from a TDU Local.... would lead a wildcat strike.

Only an inexperienced Executive Board from a TDU Local....

Would have approved jeopardizing their Local, without advice from their attorney.

Is this the official "Old Guard" Hoffa policy on this?


Well-Known Member

~A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.~
This current Local 804 reps is and has been doing a lot of under handed stuff. Yeah!!Yeah!! they had the drivers walk out. What about the rules in local 804 bylaws,that the shop stewards and The president ,business agents non elected business agent is breaking. There is a lot of cover up going on in that building and in Local 804. Don’t give these people too much credit!!!! It’s so much back stabbing going on in that union and deals being made with the company. If the media only knew the true face of local 804 and what they stand for. They need to be voted out!!!!!!!!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This current Local 804 reps is and has been doing a lot of under handed stuff. Yeah!!Yeah!! they had the drivers walk out. What about the rules in local 804 bylaws,that the shop stewards and The president ,business agents non elected business agent is breaking. There is a lot of cover up going on in that building and in Local 804. Don’t give these people too much credit!!!! It’s so much back stabbing going on in that union and deals being made with the company. If the media only knew the true face of local 804 and what they stand for. They need to be voted out!!!!!!!!!

You have any actual facts to tell us, or just more Old Guard gossip?

Because we have heard this all before from stink and the gang.

But no actual facts right? Didn't think so.