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Well-Known Member
Who is E. Moriarty? What role did he play in Local 804 in 2010 to receive $46,812.00?

Remember? When a TDU local steps in poop! What do they do? Blame someone else!


Well-Known Member
6045 doesn't make any damned sense. I think he's proven that a few times in this thread, especially with that chain of posts where he was calling people out but I can't seem to pin down who he was calling out or what he intended to say at all, really.

In the news today, lots of politicians are jumping on the bandwagon. It is disappointing to me that the news reports and the politicians don't really get the whole story, they just hear, "the voters are in trouble," so they immediately go take up arms against UPS. I'm not saying I disagree with politicians fighting big business - I'm actually all for that - but it's obvious that very few of these people know anything about what happened or the contractual technicality involved enabling the terminations. I know if I had some politician blowing the trumpets for me I would want them to know exactly what I was fighting for. And I'm certain that once it came down to the details most of these politicians would not want any involvement.
Given the public outcry I'd say the chances are getting good that UPS withdraws the terminations, but that's not going to improve anything for that center. Even if UPS rotates out the management team, I don't think the odds are good that things will change for the better.


Gone Fish'n
For the rest of us------it would be like going to Disney.
BC amusement park has plenty of rides for everyone to enjoy.

You have the carousel that just keeps going round and round.

You have roller coasters that go up and down, slow and fast, and always end up back where they started.

Then you have the free fall that only a small minority seem to like, personalities seem to get on then never ride it again, never to be heard from again as well.

Can't forget the bumper cars where members with red, hatred filled eyes, do thier best to destroy each other in small padded vehicles that never really do anything but supply entertainment for the rail birds watching.


Well-Known Member
They can fight they fight. I hope they keep trying. :censored2: UPS I give up. Big poster at my work says no one quits at UPS haha yeah right I'm ouuuuut!


Your in the union you vote to go on strike you don't play follow the leader.

What is a strike?

A strike occurs when employees collectively agree to stop working in order to gain concessions from an employer, typically after contract negotiations break down. While strikes tend to grab media attention, they are rare and typically a last resort. More than 95 percent of all Teamster contracts are negotiated without a strike being called.

Before a strike is called, the union typically notifies the company that it intends to call a strike vote. A majority of workers in the bargaining unit must vote in favor of a strike before one can be called. The decision rests with the affected workers. Most strikes are called for economic reasons—to improve wages, health benefits, retirement benefits, etc. And because most contracts include a no-strike clause, they typically occur only after a contract expires, not during the term of the contract.

Strikes can be called at any time if extremely unsafe working conditions occur or if the company has participated in an “unfair labor practice.” But these types of noneconomic strikes are very rare.

Most Teamster contracts also include language that protects Teamster members who refuse to cross active picket lines of other striking unions. Check with your steward or local for more information on the language and protections in your contract.
What is a no-strike clause?

Most employers insist that the union agree not to strike for the duration of a contract. Such an agreement is enforceable in court and makes wildcat strikesillegal.

No-strike clauses have been interpreted to ban almost all strikes during the life of the contract, except strikes in response to abnormally dangerous working conditions. Strikes are still legal, of course, when the contract expires.

Really? You copy and paste a generic definition of strikes from the IBT website?

You only vote on a strike between contract ratifications if it can't be settled! Do you read what's been going on with the other supplements?

Obviously your supplement language is not the same as ours. Ours gives a reason to strike mid contract, just like 705! Usually the Company is smart enough not to trigger the right to strike. This time they messed up!


The union has been too quiet on the whole situation. I think they realize the best solution may be to sacrifice Liam but are unwilling to do it.

Think about what you are saying! The company does not have any right to get rid of Liam. The only reason they want him gone is because he mobilized the membership! Just Like with Ron Carey!

Now that I can finally post, check this out!

My favorite part is: Ron Carey, the president of the union local, acknowledged that the walkout was in violation of the no-strike provisions of the union's contract, but said the company ''has violated the contract'' and ''so can we.''
Liam isn't the one they need to get rid of. He is fighting for union workers not cutting deals like those others who weren't voted in. Local 804 will never have a President like Ron Carey. Ron Carey would never appoint snakes to rep union members. I'm not shocked about the strike because Local 804 elected board feels they can do what they want. They only talk unity when it suits them. I heard a supervisor choked an employee in that same building a few months back. Why didn't they strike for that union members rights?


Well-Known Member
Liam isn't the one they need to get rid of. He is fighting for union workers not cutting deals like those others who weren't voted in. Local 804 will never have a President like Ron Carey. Ron Carey would never appoint snakes to rep union members. I'm not shocked about the strike because Local 804 elected board feels they can do what they want. They only talk unity when it suits them. I heard a supervisor choked an employee in that same building a few months back. Why didn't they strike for that union members rights?
I believe that supervisor choked another supervisor, not a union member.
No, it was an employee the supervisor comes to work drunk and has made racist remarks. A few months back the supervisor choked an employee. Another cover up by local 804. I'm glad I retired.


Well-Known Member
What a profound statement. Thought provoking. If he was talking about Carey as the last of mob corruption, then I agree with him.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


Well-Known Member
What a profound statement. Thought provoking. If he was talking about Carey as the last of mob corruption, then I agree with him.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251
No, the mob corruption ended in jan 1992. Even the IRB's own report on Mob Connections Allegations in 1994 stated that Ron Carey had no mob connections. A matter of fact Carey trusteed over 80 corrupt locals many of who WERE mob connected.


Well-Known Member
In an article entitled "The Trouble with the Teflon Teamster," claims that Carey testified as character witness for gangster John Conti, got immunity from prosecution in case against Local 804 treasurer John Long (where Carey testified that he had no recollection of payments to mob-linked pension fund, even though they were his Local's largest investments), forged his wife's signature in a real estate deal, and was fingered by mafia turncoat Alphonse "Little Al" D'Arco as a mob asset.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


Well-Known Member
In an article entitled "The Trouble with the Teflon Teamster," claims that Carey testified as character witness for gangster John Conti, got immunity from prosecution in case against Local 804 treasurer John Long (where Carey testified that he had no recollection of payments to mob-linked pension fund, even though they were his Local's largest investments), forged his wife's signature in a real estate deal, and was fingered by mafia turncoat Alphonse "Little Al" D'Arco as a mob asset.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251

Yeah ok bring up already well refuted nonsense charges against Carey. As for the Conti allegation, the association between carey and conti was union related. At conti's criminal trial , carey did give character evidence (as he had done to other members) as to conti's reputation in the community. At the time conti "was not a member of any organized crime family.(He became a member of the luchese crime family years after he left Local 804) Conti was acquitted of those charges and there was "no evidence" that carey had any further contact with conti.


Well-Known Member
As for the Darco allegations, the IRB report stated that all those allegations were "unsupported". But then you site as your source an article from Money magazine, a corporate tool of Wall St moguls who hate unions and especially hated carey for taking on UPS and being the leader of a successful strike in 1997!!