Supreme court to rule on union dues


Well-Known Member
The argument is mandatory payment. For a service someone may not want sort of like the mandate for health care that's was just ruled unconstitutional

Gimme Danger

Well-Known Member
The Janus case going before the Supreme Court impacts public sector unions. The Teamsters have over 200,000 public sector union members.

Private sector union members are governed by the Railway Labor Act and National Labor Relations Act, and as amended by the Taft Hartley Act and Landrum Griffin Act (LMRDA). Taft Hartley allows for states to enact union-busting free rider laws (Right to Work), currently at 28 states.
The Republicans and Trump believe in national Right to Work for less and the enslavement of workers.


Well-Known Member
How is that lawsuit against fedex being govern by the same laws as us. ups is being held to a higher standard than fedex and now amazon Jeff bezos is making Abney look bad. He is worth 120 billion 14 years younger than bill Gates and the smartest ceo imo. Ups is hard to stay at top of mountain people are nipping at our heals and soon they will move 100 % of their own volume and then they can go after our contracts if ups keeps letting them build info structure they will cream us paying 0 to pensions


Well-Known Member
Go to and tell me 1 party is benefiting from my dues and I donate to drive every week for 15 years. You donate to fast food and dumbing people down typical arrogant attitude call me boy and company bit cheaper just shows how mad the truth gets you

Gimme Danger

Well-Known Member
Political campaign contributions are through DRIVE, which is a voluntary contribution separate from dues.
Dues are used for advocacy for laws that help us as workers, or against laws that hurt us as workers. But this advocacy (and some other expenses) is calculated annually and is the difference between member dues and non-member fair share fees.
If you think the union shouldn't advocate for us as workers then we are doomed as a labor movement.
To paraphrase Walter Reuther of the UAW, what we negotiate at the bargaining table can be wiped away with legislation. (Including our right to bargain collectively).


Never bought my own handtruck
G You donate to fast food and dumbing people down typical arrogant attitude call me boy and company bit cheaper just shows how mad the truth gets you



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't know if its true, but I heard they were going to be deciding about making Right To Work a National law . If this is true , it will effect private unions .


Nine Lives
This summer the highest of the courts will rule that my union dues are optional. I will gladly pay because I understand what dues represents but most of the uneducated people might pull out so I hope our teamsters leadership doesn't let us down. Because if we get a crappy contract alot of people will be opting out
Uneducated people are the one's that need the Union the most!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Because they are uneducated.

I think we agree.

People with STEM degrees don't need Unions.
Teachers probably do.
I don't think so . The general population needs educated about organized labor . You inferred the uneducated are in need unions because of their lack of education .