Supreme court to rule on union dues


Well-Known Member
Benbend this is labor union not a teachers union so I don't care about grammar only learning more from people that post something worth reading. You take up space on sites like these meant to educate others instead on insults. 705 is a strong union and other locals should be following our lead separate from National.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Thanks for criticism on my typos. But I'm not trying to be grammatically correct because u don't get extra credit. So for the small brain union guy I guess there are many others that think this decision will have a repercussions. Blowslave I'm still waiting for the numbers since you are obviously educated. U probably have at least 1 year of junior college
Coming from the guy that figure out how to quote and properly respond to others.

Numbers? Must of missed that because you don't know how to hit reply.

Gimme Danger

Well-Known Member
Teamsters have over 200,000 members in the public sector. You truly believe our brothers and sisters shouldn't have the right to bargain collectively? So what's good for you isn't good for a fellow worker?
The moneyed elite have attacked private sector unions for decades now, while public sector unions maintained solid density and bargaining power. The game lately is to demonize public sector unions because they have pensions and decent healthcare, while many in the private sector do not anymore.
The attack on unions is first and foremost the reason why all workers don't have secure pensions and quality healthcare, and don't enjoy a fair workplace relationship with our employer(s).
We need to stop voting in anti-worker, anti-union politicians, no matter the party. Almost all Republicans want to destroy us, while a chunk of Democrats don't fight hard enough for us (or are Republicans hiding behind the D).


Nine Lives
Public unions shouldn't exist
A blow to public unions is a blow to all unions.
I'm with Mak on this one (therefore I thought about it some more before going public).
There are many Trumpster-like figures in local politics and they think it makes them look good to say , "You're fired!" (or "Your fired" in Ohio).
I agree there is a lot of unrealistic perks when one belongs to a 'Public Union' (especially in retirement benefits) but there would be major abuse if the individual didn't have some protection.
Changing from one political party to the next would be chaotic with firing of 'undesirables' and hiring in of cronies and supporters in their place.

OK, I'm through, thanks for letting me share.


Nine Lives
How is that lawsuit against fedex being govern by the same laws as us. ups is being held to a higher standard than fedex and now amazon Jeff Bezos is making Abney look bad. He is worth 120 billion 14 years younger than bill Gates and the smartest ceo imo. Ups is hard to stay at top of mountain people are nipping at our heals and soon they will move 100 % of their own volume and then they can go after our contracts if ups keeps letting them build info structure they will cream us paying 0 to pensions
Jeff Bezos makes most anybody look bad especially UPS's incestuous promoting of CEO's from within.
That being said, the foundation of the UPS empire is built on more solid ground than the Bezo's empire.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm with Mak on this one (therefore I thought about it some more before going public).
There are many Trumpster-like figures in local politics and they think it makes them look good to say , "You're fired!" (or "Your fired" in Ohio).
I agree there is a lot of unrealistic perks when one belongs to a 'Public Union' (especially in retirement benefits) but there would be major abuse if the individual didn't have some protection.
Changing from one political party to the next would be chaotic with firing of 'undesirables' and hiring in of cronies and supporters in their place.

OK, I'm through, thanks for letting me share.
There's just soooo much terrible stuff written into their contracts. Both of my parents are getting 3% raises every single year in retirement. Hmmm wonder why the pensions are broke. Pensions are based off their best 3 years. Guess who picks up all of the OT they can the last 3 years and then make more while retired than they did working.

I know lots of city and county employees that order two of a tool and then take the spare home. Many are also about the laziest damn people you will ever meet.


Well-Known Member
There's just soooo much terrible stuff written into their contracts. Both of my parents are getting 3% raises every single year in retirement. Hmmm wonder why the pensions are broke. Pensions are based off their best 3 years. Guess who picks up all of the OT they can the last 3 years and then make more while retired than they did working.

I know lots of city and county employees that order two of a tool and then take the spare home. Many are also about the laziest damn people you will ever meet.
Many public unions in CA have negotiated lower pension benefits and having employees share in the costs to provide those benefits. Both employees and and management in those unions have an understanding that what was before is not sustainable.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I know how to hit reply blowslave just give the number how much more will ups save with the 14% tax decrease.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
A blow to public unions is a blow to all unions.
They are two different animals . But , to the non-union culture we live in they are the same . Perception is reality .
''Yea ..unions are being destroyed , even the Supreme Court don't want 'em . YeeHaww "


Well-Known Member
They are two different animals . But , to the non-union culture we live in they are the same . Perception is reality .
''Yea ..unions are being destroyed , even the Supreme Court don't want 'em . YeeHaww "
Power in numbers bro. Power in numbers. Lower union membership, wether it be public or private, is not good for the entire workforce.


Retired 23 years
There's just soooo much terrible stuff written into their contracts. Both of my parents are getting 3% raises every single year in retirement. Hmmm wonder why the pensions are broke. Pensions are based off their best 3 years. Guess who picks up all of the OT they can the last 3 years and then make more while retired than they did working.

I know lots of city and county employees that order two of a tool and then take the spare home. Many are also about the laziest damn people you will ever meet.

Sounds like a sever case of jealousy to me--or do you just hate your parents too?


Well-Known Member
When you start deciding who can and who cannot unionize, you can kiss your own union goodbye. I'll agree that some unions have too much power in setting workplace rules but you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Public unions are notorious for breaking the law and disobeying their own union rules. That kind of behavior drags down the rep of all unions. Teachers around the NW love to engage in unsanctioned and illegal strikes.