And considering the size of his holdings that's a lot of info. What makes him any different from any other billionaire/millionaire? He's been audited plenty in the past. This is retribution, nothing more.
You're forgetting something here. This is a New York State case focused on his activities as they pertain to his New York state tax liabilities. To what extent if any extends outside of NY is something only time will tell.
I’m surprised the scotus decided not to take the Pennsylvania case. That is a slam duck win for Trump and a slap in the face towards people who violated to constitution to stack the deck for Biden. It’s plain as day in the constitution that it is the state legislature job. Partisans in Pennsylvania who took oaths to uphold the constitution put their party politics over our limitations of government power. They are dangerous individuals.
If any one or any course of action regarding the Pennsylvania matter is ruled unconstitutional the blame rests with the GOP controlled Pa. state legislature. it was they who enthusiastically introduced and backed the mail in ballot legislation with the whole hearted or as they found out later fool hearted belief that the measure would better ensure Trump's chances of carrying the state.
Well, when they discovered that it hurt rather than helped Trump they went running off to the Pa Supreme Court demanding that all mail in ballot be tossed out. the PASC laughed them clear out of the courtroom and for good reason . For one, the PAGOP was not going to get millions of legally cast mail in ballots tossed out for no other reason than for the fact that they didn't like not disagree with per say but simply didn't like the outcome of a voting method that was their own design. Secondly and the PAGOP was well aware of this, the timeline for challenging the constitutionality of the election process had long since expired. Another example of just how confident they were that their own legislation will seal the deal for Dear Leader.
As for SCOTUS, well, you saw what they thought of the PAGOP's attempt to put Pa in Dear Leader's pile and the political rewards they were certain would be coming their way.