Survey and then HazMat Video?

It's been AWHILE since I've posted anything or asked any questions....Have ya'll had to or "volunteered" (with a password) to take a survey but was mandatory to watch the HazMat video? So what if you've already done the re-cert for HazMat??? Like a month ago? Same video? What's up with that??? I'm hearing the survey questions were asking some pretty personal questions.....I wonder what that's all about? ....Probably political.....


Well-Known Member
The survey asks question, but you don't have to answer them. They can figure out who's test is who's, so don't put any of the things you don't want them to know in the first part(the personal question). I personally thought it was a little invasive, and answer them with the "no answer" answer.

Sups must not have logged you in as taking the HazMat video, so enjoy the extra time.
I haven't worked at UPS in a couple of years but my husband still does...He was telling me about it when he got home from work. It was just a question....that's all. Thanks for the replies :)