No. The Russians brought their own planes and pilots. It's been in the news for months and they've been careful to avoid our advisory troops on the ground in their bombing of anti-Assad fighters and (if not the same) ISIS.
OK, that sounds better. The sources I posted I doubt counted those Russian planes in the Syrian inventory so the number I gave would likely not reflect those numbers. Now that is a guess on my part as I read nothing in the reports noting Russian aircraft.
The reason the Russians have a material interest in Syria is a desire for a natural gas pipeline from Iran to Europe that goes through Syria. Syria and Iran have a relationship as both have a very strong Shia Islamic culture and therefore connected. The various factions fighting against the Syrian gov't are Sunni Muslim with strong backing from Saudi Arabian interests. Turkey has an interest not only for its own Sunni reasons but as much as it relates to Turkey's opposition to all things Kurdish. The US and Saudi interests are for a natural gas pipeline coming out of Qatar and also traversing through Syria and continuing into Europe. Both Iran and Qatar are drawing natural gas from the same gas field so if one pipeline is blocked while the other goes through this leaves the survivor to scoop up the entire natural gas field. Money and Power once again.
With all these factions and self interests at play, truth is the last thing all of them want out on the table for the rest of us to see.