

Article 3

I would imagine the afore mentioned races you mentioned that were left in poverty and left living in crime ridden areas by Obama?
Brother, if you're posting to him to get a rational response good luck.
If you just like to spar then have at it.

My opinion is this on Trump:
If he was president when our boys lives were on the line in Libya we wouldn't have stood and watched the murders occur. There's the difference in people with and without spine or conviction.

That's my opinion based on then and now and I'm not going to waste my energy to defend it.


Well-Known Member
Brother, if you're posting to him to get a rational response good luck.
If you just like to spar then have at it.

My opinion is this on Trump:
If he was president when our boys lives were on the line in Libya we wouldn't have stood and watched the murders occur. There's the difference in people with and without spine or conviction.

That's my opinion based on then and now and I'm not going to waste my energy to defend it.

its been a while since I posted that, looks like he had to go back to his liberal masters for some fresh material.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump keeps proving repeatedly, that broad policy agreement( War in Syria, TPP, corruption by political cronies, etc) is not why republicans love him.
They won't care that Trump criticized war with Syria while a candidate and a private citizen and now he wages war is Syria. Hell, he just said a week ago or so that we were pulling out of Syria completely.
We missed you ... Not really!


Well-Known Member
In terms of the word ":censored2:" who cares that a few people use it.
Mr. Refineryworker,
I don't believe Drive is a republican. Your diversion doesn't hold water. Move on.

There are hard issues to address in this world right now. Not many people will be happy regardless of the response.

I believe that anyone who would want to take on the stress of a presidency right now never fully understood the abyss that awaited them.
You are the one using the word :censored2:, it is a sexual term, that has to do with men watching their wives or girlfriend be with other men sexually why they watch. I have no idea why republican men use the term when discussing politics.

I don't pay attention to screen names, I don't think I called that poster a republican re-reading my post.

What does hard issues in the world have to do with Trump having no coherent ideology that anyone can follow or understand?

Trump just said we are leaving Syria, the president of Syria used chemical weapons three times in 2018 besides this last time using chemical weapons, nothing has changed at all to make any sense that last week we are leaving Syria and this week oh no we have to bomb Syria for using chemical weapons. Smh

Plus, what sense does it make to risk American lives and assets on Syrians when Trump wont even allow Syrian refugees into America?

He called them innocent men, women, and children, well why don't we allow them to immigrate to this nation?

You see how Trump's position has no coherency?


Staff member
59 cruise missiles last time. Minimal? Ok bro.
It sounds impressive, but it actually accomplished very little:
Hours after the U.S. missile strike, Syrian government's warplanes took off from the Shayrat base to attack rebel positions again, including the town of Khan Shaykhun. Commentators attributed the ability of the Syrian government to continue to operate from the base to the fact that the US gave Russia, Syria's ally, an advanced warning regarding the strike, which enabled Syrians to shelter many of its aircraft from the attack.Within a day of the attack, Russia announced it would strengthen Syria's air defenses and formally notified the Pentagon that as of 21:00 GMT (00:00 Moscow Time, 8 April 2017), Russia had suspended the U.S.–Russia Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, which had established a hotline between the countries′ militaries designed to avoid collisions between their aircraft over Syria. As a result, Belgium suspended its air operations in Syria,[56] and the US began limiting itself to only the most essential air strikes.
2017 Shayrat missile strike


Fight the power.
It sounds impressive, but it actually accomplished very little:
Hours after the U.S. missile strike, Syrian government's warplanes took off from the Shayrat base to attack rebel positions again, including the town of Khan Shaykhun. Commentators attributed the ability of the Syrian government to continue to operate from the base to the fact that the US gave Russia, Syria's ally, an advanced warning regarding the strike, which enabled Syrians to shelter many of its aircraft from the attack.Within a day of the attack, Russia announced it would strengthen Syria's air defenses and formally notified the Pentagon that as of 21:00 GMT (00:00 Moscow Time, 8 April 2017), Russia had suspended the U.S.–Russia Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, which had established a hotline between the countries′ militaries designed to avoid collisions between their aircraft over Syria. As a result, Belgium suspended its air operations in Syria,[56] and the US began limiting itself to only the most essential air strikes.
2017 Shayrat missile strike


Well-Known Member
I would imagine the afore mentioned races you mentioned that were left in poverty and left living in crime ridden areas by Obama?

Yet, the topic of my post isn't President Obama, nor the social conditions of any group of Americans.

My point is that Trump as a candidate was supported by republican voters from their own mouths because he was going to clean out the swamp, get rid of government corruption, he was rich so he couldn't be bought and would be for the little guy, that he was a successful business man and would get the economy going and not be for wealthy elites but the average forgotten American, that he would stop the middle east wars, that he would make health care better and protect social security and Medicare, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Trump has done nothing on those issues and has no plans to do anything on those issues.

Again, his Syrian policy is incoherent, he just said last week or two weeks ago we were pulling all troops out of Syria.

Assad used chemical weapons twice in January of 2018 and once in February, Trump did not give a damn about those instances and said nothing. Yet now it is too much?

Again, he called those Syrian citizens innocent men, women, and children, we are risking American lives and resources for them, yet we won't allow them to immigrate to America to actually save their lives? That makes no sense. It is incoherent.
There is no way to support Trump and under the guise of policy consistency. No one knows what he believes.


Well-Known Member
It sounds impressive, but it actually accomplished very little:
Hours after the U.S. missile strike, Syrian government's warplanes took off from the Shayrat base to attack rebel positions again, including the town of Khan Shaykhun. Commentators attributed the ability of the Syrian government to continue to operate from the base to the fact that the US gave Russia, Syria's ally, an advanced warning regarding the strike, which enabled Syrians to shelter many of its aircraft from the attack.Within a day of the attack, Russia announced it would strengthen Syria's air defenses and formally notified the Pentagon that as of 21:00 GMT (00:00 Moscow Time, 8 April 2017), Russia had suspended the U.S.–Russia Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, which had established a hotline between the countries′ militaries designed to avoid collisions between their aircraft over Syria. As a result, Belgium suspended its air operations in Syria,[56] and the US began limiting itself to only the most essential air strikes.
2017 Shayrat missile strike

The reality is the last bombing didn't deter Assad from using chemical weapons and the last time they were terrified of getting drawn into a war of Syrian sectarian violence, considering how we badly we handled the Iraqi sectarian violence we unleashed after we destroyed Iraq based on a lie.

So there are no clear objectives, Trump has no coherent belief system, he is all over the place on every issue. It is a recipe for disaster. Plus Trump is blatantly incompetent.
Remember Bush and company had a coherent ideology when they launched their disastrous Iraq War and War on Terror, they were supposed to be competent and they failed miserably, Trump has a depleted the State department and military advisers in his administration and he has zero core beliefs about anything and no real strategy and he is uninformed and incompetent.

Article 3

You are the one using the word :censored2:, it is a sexual term, that has to do with men watching their wives or girlfriend be with other men sexually why they watch. I have no idea why republican men use the term when discussing politics.

I don't pay attention to screen names, I don't think I called that poster a republican re-reading my post.

What does hard issues in the world have to do with Trump having no coherent ideology that anyone can follow or understand?

Trump just said we are leaving Syria, the president of Syria used chemical weapons three times in 2018 besides this last time using chemical weapons, nothing has changed at all to make any sense that last week we are leaving Syria and this week oh no we have to bomb Syria for using chemical weapons. Smh

Plus, what sense does it make to risk American lives and assets on Syrians when Trump wont even allow Syrian refugees into America?

He called them innocent men, women, and children, well why don't we allow them to immigrate to this nation?

You see how Trump's position has no coherency?
There was another chemical attack. We responded. Does that mean we aren't going to leave Syria?
Most of your post is incorrect. Reread and you will comprehend.
I'm done posting to this short sighted view of yours.
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Article 3

It sounds impressive, but it actually accomplished very little:
Hours after the U.S. missile strike, Syrian government's warplanes took off from the Shayrat base to attack rebel positions again, including the town of Khan Shaykhun. Commentators attributed the ability of the Syrian government to continue to operate from the base to the fact that the US gave Russia, Syria's ally, an advanced warning regarding the strike, which enabled Syrians to shelter many of its aircraft from the attack.Within a day of the attack, Russia announced it would strengthen Syria's air defenses and formally notified the Pentagon that as of 21:00 GMT (00:00 Moscow Time, 8 April 2017), Russia had suspended the U.S.–Russia Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, which had established a hotline between the countries′ militaries designed to avoid collisions between their aircraft over Syria. As a result, Belgium suspended its air operations in Syria,[56] and the US began limiting itself to only the most essential air strikes.
2017 Shayrat missile strike
I responded to the lie that it was 1 missle.

We limited our strikes both times, giving complicit Russian troops time to evacuate.

We are in a no win situation. Doing nothing is hard but the place is nuts and we are a country that normally can't sit back and watch. There's no easy answer if you care.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I don’t like Trump. But it’s absolutely true that Obama could have done far more in Syria against Assad (even if just via air power) before the Russians ever got involved.

Might not have been much of an attack. Nor should it have been. We don’t need to get into a direct shooting war with Russia over Syria now that they’re entrenched there. But I’m glad we’re coordinating with allies to do something to say that use of chemical weapons is not OK.


Well-Known Member
There was another chemical attack. We responded. Does that mean we aren't going to leave Syria?
Most of your post is incorrect. Reread and you will comprehend.
I'm done posting to this short sighted view if yours.

There were chemical attacks in January and February without a response, hell without a mention from Trump.

Yes, it means we aren't leaving Syria soon like Trump just said, in fact, he said we will keep bombing until some undisclosed time into the future based on Assad getting the message.

Trump has no coherent policies outside of immigration- True
Trump voters don't care about policy because they have no idea what Trump believes outside of immigration, and his actual policies and statements while president has largely gone against the reasons they said they liked him over other republican candidates- True

Trump's Syria policy is incoherent and makes no sense- True
Assad used chemical weapons twice in January and once in February and Trump said nothing and did nothing, Trump just said we would be pulling all troops out of Syria soon, again no coherency, he calls Syrian citizens innocent men, women and children, but won't allow them to immigrate here to save some of their lives. Again no coherency.


Inordinately Right
I responded to the lie that it was 1 missle.

We limited our strikes both times, giving complicit Russian troops time to evacuate.

We are in a no win situation. Doing nothing is hard but the place is nuts and we are a country that normally can't sit back and watch. There's no easy answer if you care.
Easy answer to me.
Not our problem.
Open ended military conflicts in the Middle East don't work out too well for us.

Article 3

BTW, our ambassador to the UN claims Syria has used chemical weapons over 4 dozen times in the last 7 yrs.
Not just a few times.
I said I was done. I am.