Obama and his administration drew a red line on the use of chemical weapons in 2012. You cannot unilaterally make a declaration like that and then pass the buck to Congress to make the actual call to do something.
True. But you really can’t blame somebody if the resources and knowledge they acquired when they became the most powerful person in the world changed their perspective on nearly anything.
It is not passing the buck to Congress. We are not at war with Syria, no president can just declare war just based on emotion. Literally Congress has to authorize these kinds of things.
Come on man, stop pretending, Assad has been using chemical weapons this year in 2018 and Trump said or did nothing. In fact, with that knowledge Trump said we are getting out of Syria. Nothing has changed between now and when Trump said we were leaving Syria to justify a 180degree at least from the reason that Trump gave. It is an erratic impulsive thinking.
Trump has no ideological core, no beliefs, he is all over the place and he is uninformed and incompetent, and he launched a war with undefined goals saying we wont stop until Assad stops using chemical weapons is a nonsense goal because unless you say we won't stop until all the chemical weapons are destroyed...... plus Assad will just get more chemical weapons from Russia or Iran.
Plus he is risking American lives and resources while calling the Syrians innocent men, women and children yet his immigration policy sees them all as terrorists that he won't allow them immigrate to America. Smh.
It is nonsense plain and simple.