
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I responded to the lie that it was 1 missle.

We limited our strikes both times, giving complicit Russian troops time to evacuate.

We are in a no win situation. Doing nothing is hard but the place is nuts and we are a country that normally can't sit back and watch. There's no easy answer if you care.
Why should we care? Not our problem.


Well-Known Member
I don’t like Trump. But it’s absolutely true that Obama could have done far more in Syria against Assad (even if just via air power) before the Russians ever got involved.

Might not have been much of an attack. Nor should it have been. We don’t need to get into a direct shooting war with Russia over Syria now that they’re entrenched there. But I’m glad we’re coordinating with allies to do something to say that use of chemical weapons is not OK.
Come on don't rewrite history.

President Obama asked Congress to authorize use of force against Syria(something I am against) and republicans in Congress were against the idea.

Trump is utterly incompetent. He is deeply uniformed and he is all over the place. The man was just saying we are leaving Syria literally last week or two weeks ago.

Nothing has changed in Syria at all to justify a complete 180.

This suggests that Trump is erratic in his judgment with no actual core beliefs. These are bad traits to have when making these kinds of decisions.

Article 3

Easy answer to me.
Not our problem.
Open ended military conflicts in the Middle East don't work out too well for us.
For you Drive bro, I will respond once.
I agree with the last portion of your post. I personally have a hard time watching people literally drown in hydrochloric acid and or tortured for any reason.

Heck, the other day I stopped my pkg car on a busy road to get a large snapping turtle off the middle line and spare it a sure crushing under a tire.

It's just the way I am. I report dogs that are tied up on short leashes without water and starving to death. I'm just that soft hearted toward living things that are in trouble.

You can't save the world but I try to help where and when I'm able to.

Have a good weekend.


Well-Known Member
BTW, our ambassador to the UN claims Syria has used chemical weapons over 4 dozen times in the last 7 yrs.
Not just a few times.
I said I was done. I am.
Ok and?
Again, since Trump bombed Syria last year, Assad has continued to use chemical weapons. Again he used them 3 times in twice in Jan and once in Feb in 2018 and Trump said nothing and in fact with that knowledge Trump said we are pulling the troops out of Syria soon again nothing has changed from two weeks ago till now to explain a 180degree turn around from that position. Yet here we are, Trump was also deeply critical of bombing Syria while he ran for the presidency.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Come on don't rewrite history.

President Obama asked Congress to authorize use of force against Syria(something I am against) and republicans in Congress were against the idea.

Obama and his administration drew a red line on the use of chemical weapons in 2012. You cannot unilaterally make a declaration like that and then pass the buck to Congress to make the actual call to do something.

Yet here we are, Trump was also deeply critical of bombing Syria while he ran for the presidency.

True. But you really can’t blame somebody if the resources and knowledge they acquired when they became the most powerful person in the world changed their perspective on nearly anything.


Well-Known Member
Obama and his administration drew a red line on the use of chemical weapons in 2012. You cannot unilaterally make a declaration like that and then pass the buck to Congress to make the actual call to do something.

True. But you really can’t blame somebody if the resources and knowledge they acquired when they became the most powerful person in the world changed their perspective on nearly anything.

It is not passing the buck to Congress. We are not at war with Syria, no president can just declare war just based on emotion. Literally Congress has to authorize these kinds of things.

Come on man, stop pretending, Assad has been using chemical weapons this year in 2018 and Trump said or did nothing. In fact, with that knowledge Trump said we are getting out of Syria. Nothing has changed between now and when Trump said we were leaving Syria to justify a 180degree at least from the reason that Trump gave. It is an erratic impulsive thinking.
Trump has no ideological core, no beliefs, he is all over the place and he is uninformed and incompetent, and he launched a war with undefined goals saying we wont stop until Assad stops using chemical weapons is a nonsense goal because unless you say we won't stop until all the chemical weapons are destroyed...... plus Assad will just get more chemical weapons from Russia or Iran.

Plus he is risking American lives and resources while calling the Syrians innocent men, women and children yet his immigration policy sees them all as terrorists that he won't allow them immigrate to America. Smh.

It is nonsense plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Easy answer to me.
Not our problem.
Open ended military conflicts in the Middle East don't work out too well for us.

This is actually ahistorical nonsense. While I don't support doing anything militarily in Syria, America and its disastrous invasion into Iraq destabilized that whole area. I remember before the war, anti Iraq war Democrats were saying this war will destroy Iraq, set off sectarian violence in Iraq, that would strengthen Iran and destabilize that part of the middle east and that's what happened.

It truly amazes me that the mfers cheerleading us into that quagmire learned nothing and are advocating doing the same madness in Syria.

But more important, Syria is partly our fault, there is no getting around that. We should allow a lot more of those innocent Syrian refugees to immigrate to America, we should be sending tons of aid and we should be trying to work through the UN and neighboring nations to encourage them to take in Syrian refugees and to help end the conflict.


Inordinately Right
But you really can’t blame somebody if the resources and knowledge they acquired when they became the most powerful person in the world changed their perspective on nearly anything.
So let me get this straight... He gets a taste for power so we can't blame him for ignoring the Constitution? Lol.

Uh, we absolutely can blame him for changing his mind on Syria. It's ALL on him now.

He had it right in 2013:


Inordinately Right
This is actually ahistorical nonsense. While I don't support doing anything militarily in Syria, America and its disastrous invasion into Iraq destabilized that whole area. I remember before the war, anti Iraq war Democrats were saying this war will destroy Iraq, set off sectarian violence in Iraq, that would strengthen Iran and destabilize that part of the middle east and that's what happened.

It truly amazes me that the mfers cheerleading us into that quagmire learned nothing and are advocating doing the same madness in Syria.

But more important, Syria is partly our fault, there is no getting around that. We should allow a lot more of those innocent Syrian refugees to immigrate to America, we should be sending tons of aid and we should be trying to work through the UN and neighboring nations to encourage them to take in Syrian refugees and to help end the conflict.
You called my post nonsense than rambled on agreeing with me. You feeling ok bro?

Settle down man. You are losing your mind over Trump.


Staff member
I responded to the lie that it was 1 missle.

We limited our strikes both times, giving complicit Russian troops time to evacuate.

We are in a no win situation. Doing nothing is hard but the place is nuts and we are a country that normally can't sit back and watch. There's no easy answer if you care.
I said it was one cruise missile strike, not one missile. And my point was that it actually accomplished very little and clearly did not deter Assad from continuing to use chemical weapons.


Well-Known Member
It sounds impressive, but it actually accomplished very little:
Hours after the U.S. missile strike, Syrian government's warplanes took off from the Shayrat base to attack rebel positions again, including the town of Khan Shaykhun. Commentators attributed the ability of the Syrian government to continue to operate from the base to the fact that the US gave Russia, Syria's ally, an advanced warning regarding the strike, which enabled Syrians to shelter many of its aircraft from the attack.Within a day of the attack, Russia announced it would strengthen Syria's air defenses and formally notified the Pentagon that as of 21:00 GMT (00:00 Moscow Time, 8 April 2017), Russia had suspended the U.S.–Russia Memorandum of Mutual Understanding, which had established a hotline between the countries′ militaries designed to avoid collisions between their aircraft over Syria. As a result, Belgium suspended its air operations in Syria,[56] and the US began limiting itself to only the most essential air strikes.
2017 Shayrat missile strike

too many assumptions. the military briefing has the chemical factories not the planes as the targets.


Well-Known Member
Yet, the topic of my post isn't President Obama, nor the social conditions of any group of Americans.


which is absolutely silly. you want to speak to trumps alleged hatred of minorities while ignoring the previous presidents failure to do anything but make their conditions worse.

meanwhile you wish to speak to This alleged hatred yet wish to ignore that under trump black and Hispanic employment is now the best it has ever history...ever.

you cant have this conversation ignoring reality.

reality is that Obama's actions and results showed a hatred for those minorities. something you cant seem to address with your 5000 word dissertations.

so were you the cause of the oil spills in the gulf? is that why you are on a UPS site rather then working at your craft?