sheeting it closed means you went there and they were supposed to be open and they're closed. so you can't do that for after 5pm because it's normal for businesses to close at 5 so you should've got there sooner. that's why your manager says that. it's not just for arbitrary reasons. logically the same goes for NI1. yeah you got one over on them for not spelling it out but you still gave the customer a service failure, and in the event of a service failure we're supposed to own up to it not make excuses. sheeting it missed is the way we own up to it. it has to be sheeted missed. so in the future you have to call your sup and tell them. and then sheet it missed. now they may try to get you to do something else, like sheet it future or something, this is them trying to make their numbers and make you take the heat. you do that and that may not be that, there very well could be a follow up. so if you're told to do anything besides sheeting it missed get them to tell it to you in the board because later they'll say they never told you to do that and say you were being dishonest. and then real discipline happens.
yea you'll get chewed out. no one likes getting chewed out, but it's endurable once you get used to it.