TCD 30 days question


The resident gearhead
I recently qualified as a TCD and was told congratulations on my 30 day that I was qualified and my packet was done. The problem is I didn’t drive on day 30 I just drove 29 days and I also didn’t sign for the last day on my packet. I have 9 years seniority as a part timer which gives me the RTW of a lot of other TCDs maybe even all of them. I’ve had 2 different stewards check with my on road sup to make sure he wasn’t bull :censored2:ting me to make sure my packet was signed off on and that I actually qualified and they both were told yes I am by management. My on road sup didn’t give a reason for my packet to be done early but I do rebember hearing that after you scratch more than 5 times they can qualify you early and I made 6 or 7. I also know that there are trying to train more people so I believe they just wanted to get me off the route. I was told recently that there was no work for me and I would have to work my old pt job until peak begins but there working other lower seniority tcds while I’m on preload. My question is would it be wise to file a grievance and get paid for everyday I’m laid off or should I wait to work 1 more day after peak is over to make sure I have my 30 days complete?
You guys are so screwed. I feel bad for any new TCD.

Shift 2

Well-Known Member
P/t to TCD to 22.4 to rpcd. It's going to take you forever to become rpcd.
I signed the pt to ft pool bid on my 30th day qualifying as a TCD and from what I see I’m the 4th highest with seniority and most times people with 10+ years of pt seniority don’t go straight for ft package driving just because of the pay decrease. There’s guys with 1 and 2 yrs seniority winning those jobs so I lucked up