Got the T-Shirt
If they don’t pay dues or are not Teamsters, they shouldn’t be at your meeting.
That's almost as funny....
When a discharged UPS driver showed up at the State Panel, with a lawyer.
If they don’t pay dues or are not Teamsters, they shouldn’t be at your meeting.
A real estate attorney no less!That's almost as funny....
When a discharged UPS driver showed up at the State Panel, with a lawyer.
So much for unions being the extreme, radical communists that the Republicans like to call us everydayWhat on earth is the World Socialist group? Never heard of them in Arizona and I've been at UPS for over a decade!
They sure did at the end. That guy is living in a dreamworld. I did find it ironic that TDU file the federal lawsuit to get this language put in and have it 30 years later bite us in the ass
The Union will never be the same because going forward, UPS Teamsters will have it in their heads, possibly correctly, that their Contract votes do not matter.
The Contract did not have to be pushed through. Yes, the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes, but national leadership did not have to pull the trigger on this.
You mad bro?TDU did it according to you! Care to provide facts or are we just to take your word for it? LYING SACK OF!
Taylor and Hoffa have shown everyone that our votes do not matter!
"the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes" on the final offer!
on the final offer
final offer
I watch our union stewards always nestled up in plan view giggling with dispatch (UmUm Tampering with bids possibly) & rubbing elbows with Management in the feeder office. I dont understand it. I could be viewing it wrong. My heart is telling me Our Leaders are selling US OUT TO MANAGEMENT. There are WAY TO MANY ENEMIES ON THE INNER CIRCLE WAVING THE UNION FLAG. I watch them team up on a single guy daily. Not to mention he is a MEMBER of the union. To busy killing our own while Hoffa & Denis is making a mockery of what our past members built.
What exactly is the "Union Socialism" you are tired of?I watch our union stewards always nestled up in plan view giggling with dispatch (UmUm Tampering with bids possibly) & rubbing elbows with Management in the feeder office. I dont understand it. I could be viewing it wrong. My heart is telling me Our Leaders are selling US OUT TO MANAGEMENT.
Read the article before you make stupid comments that you don’t even know what you’re talking. Probably too lazy to do it so I copied and paste the best part for you.TDU did it according to you! Care to provide facts or are we just to take your word for it? LYING SACK OF!
I was using the name trying to be sarcastic. Socialism should be distributed, production,assets, ect should be for US the Union. Instead alot of our Stewards & other associates are reaping benefits quietly protending to be fighting for US THE UNION. In Whites Creek Tn I hear its two separate Unions in 1. The regular Union & a Black Union. That's division at it's finest if its true. Do we get a white UnionWhat exactly is the "Union Socialism" you are tired of?
The Union will never be the same because going forward, UPS Teamsters will have it in their heads, possibly correctly, that their Contract votes do not matter.
The Contract did not have to be pushed through. Yes, the Constitutional terms allow it if less than 50% of the membership votes, but national leadership did not have to pull the trigger on this.
24% less than what classification?Carey shut down the two-week UPS strike in 1997 after claiming that he had won 10,000 new full-time jobs. The new jobs, however, paid 24 percent less, and the contract he signed was the first to expand the two-tier system to full-time workers.
24% less than what classification?
The 22.4s are full time driving positions that pay less than the same job pays every day. So,
let's keep perpetuating the disease. This time it totally harpoons the package car driver job.
I read it,I asked if anyone knew some of the history of it a couple weeks ago but no one took a swing,so thanksDoes anybody read what I’m posting. I said nothing about 22.4 jobs. I’ve voted against the contract there is nothing that we can do right now except wait for the new GP and hopefully he will remove this article all I did was post a link about how the Article XII, Section 2(d)(2), came to existence.
I did find it ironic that TDU file the federal lawsuit to get this language put in and have it 30 years later bite us in the ass
the TDU filed a federal lawsuit to remove the hated constitutional clause that required a two-thirds rejection vote no matter how many workers voted.
Does anybody read what I’m posting.
I was using the name trying to be sarcastic. Socialism should be distributed, production,assets, ect should be for US the Union. Instead alot of our Stewards & other associates are reaping benefits quietly protending to be fighting for US THE UNION. In Whites Creek Tn I hear its two separate Unions in 1. The regular Union & a Black Union. That's division at it's finest if its true. Do we get a white Union
BUCK KAWWWWWhat’s a black union?
AHHHH BUCK BUCK BUCK!!!You living in your car yet or still in the basement?
24% less than what classification?
Thx for the info. My question to the dude was ... 24% of what?my classification at the time was full time preload or inside i think hes referring to. same top scale as a driver. the 10000 new jobs were the 22.3 full time inside combo jobs. inside/inside or inside/outside (air driving not ground). we were then "red circled" preloaders at top scale. at least that's how it went down in my building. sorta mini version of these upcoming 22.4s to the current drivers. because it was inside workers not drivers, it didnt have the same holy crap affect the 22.4s are having. most peeps think inside guys are all part time