TeamCare upgraded


Well-Known Member
King, I have alot of respect for you.Your posts have been presented in a respectful, intelligent manner. And I agree with almost
everything you have said. However I think you're still giving in to soon. And I'll bet you're supplement still gets turned down.

I have not been fighting this fight for myself. I've been fighting it for the guys I left behind. I'm retired and I've been told I'll
be keeping my UPS health care anyway. Even if that's not true I can survive 4 years of Teamcare. Which is truly an inferior
plan to the one I have now.

There is no doubt in my mind that the IBT will reduce your health care benefits sooner than later. But at least they most likely won't do it for the next 5 years.
But to me this whole thing has been one big screwup. Our leadership is sorely sorely lacking. Why anyone would even consider voting for
Jimmy Hoffa or Ken H in any capacity is beyond my comprehension.

I will go to our local meeting this Sat. and listen to the Teamcare presentation. I doubt that I'll be happy.
But I must admit when a vet like yourself says he's ready to move on, well I certainly do respect that. You're the one who
has to live with this agreement. I hope it works out for you. But honestly, I still think you're getting royally screwed.

I agree that this whole thing has been one big screw up, but given the recent enhancements, I tend to agree with KOC. The big concern, as you stated, is the eventual reduction of benefits.

Like you, I am led to believe that we will be keeping our UPS (retiree) healthcare. However, I am really wondering if that is a good thing or not. Is it preferable to go into Teamcare with everyone else, or stay with UPS and have about as much say as a management spouse?


Well-Known Member
I agree that this whole thing has been one big screw up, but given the recent enhancements, I tend to agree with KOC. The big concern, as you stated, is the eventual reduction of benefits.

Like you, I am led to believe that we will be keeping our UPS (retiree) healthcare. However, I am really wondering if that is a good thing or not. Is it preferable to go into Teamcare with everyone else, or stay with UPS and have about as much say as a management spouse?

Ive had union bennies for 20 years. Never been reduced. Only improved. Remember, elections are 3-5 years.


Well-Known Member
Right--I forgot to mention elections in my post (Even though I can't vote any longer.) That is why I am wavering.

The good thing about our bennies is the E board takes the same plan. So a reduction would also hurt everyone involved. Obama and congress should employ this method.


Well-Known Member
I agree that this whole thing has been one big screw up, but given the recent enhancements, I tend to agree with KOC. The big concern, as you stated, is the eventual reduction of benefits.

Like you, I am led to believe that we will be keeping our UPS (retiree) healthcare. However, I am really wondering if that is a good thing or not. Is it preferable to go into Teamcare with everyone else, or stay with UPS and have about as much say as a management spouse?

Well, I'm 61 so I only have 4 more years on either plan anyway. I would rather stick where I'm at and not worry about the paperwork
of switching over and somehow get lost in a new system. Plus again, my health care plan has been nothing short of top notch with zero problems
the entire time I've had it. Even at 300.00 a month for myself and my wife(who's also retired and has no other health care) it's a bargain.

And hey we're retirees. Let's be honest. We don't have much say when it comes to either plan anyway. I figure UPS just wants to get
this thing passed and then leave it alone for 5 years. But I feel sorry for those folks 5 years from now. I think they're be getting
​shafted from both sides next time. This is just the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm 61 so I only have 4 more years on either plan anyway. I would rather stick where I'm at and not worry about the paperwork
of switching over and somehow get lost in a new system. Plus again, my health care plan has been nothing short of top notch with zero problems
the entire time I've had it. Even at 300.00 a month for myself and my wife(who's also retired and has no other health care) it's a bargain.

And hey we're retirees. Let's be honest. We don't have much say when it comes to either plan anyway. I figure UPS just wants to get
this thing passed and then leave it alone for 5 years. But I feel sorry for those folks 5 years from now. I think they're be getting
​shafted from both sides next time. This is just the beginning.

Yep--I pay $400 per month for my wife and me, and I consider that a bargain.

The question I have, is whether UPS is still contractually obligated to hold the line on our premiums for the next 5 years, when all of the active employees are under Teamcare?


Well-Known Member
The good thing about our bennies is the E board takes the same plan. So a reduction would also hurt everyone involved. Obama and congress should employ this method.

If we could only make one change in the way things are done in Washington, it should be that the president and congress should be subjected to the laws that they pass.


Well-Known Member
Yep--I pay $400 per month for my wife and me, and I consider that a bargain.

The question I have, is whether UPS is still contractually obligated to hold the line on our premiums for the next 5 years, when all of the active employees are under Teamcare?

It is my understanding there will be a max number of what the premium will be for the life of this contract. Hope to find out that number
tomorrow at the local meeting on this health care issue.


Well-Known Member
Local 177 and The West Coast States have reached an agreement with UPS to form their own healthcare plan that will be equal to or better than the enhanced Central States TeamCare Plan. Local 177 will not be forced into Central States.


Well-Known Member
Local 177 and The West Coast States have reached an agreement with UPS to form their own healthcare plan that will be equal to or better than the enhanced Central States TeamCare Plan. Local 177 will not be forced into Central States.

WOW, excellent job for your local, for one having the foresight to add the Memorandum of Understanding in The National Master Contract and to secure superior HC.


Well-Known Member
Local 177 and The West Coast States have reached an agreement with UPS to form their own healthcare plan that will be equal to or better than the enhanced Central States TeamCare Plan. Local 177 will not be forced into Central States.

I don't blame you folks for cutting your own deal. You were backed into a corner by the IBT. But that's the gist of the whole overall problem unionism is
facing today. Who knows how many different health care plans are out there now. Who knows how many different pension plans are out there.
So there's no solidarity. And corporate America takes advantage of it. This contract did nothing but make the situation worse. Again, our leadership
​is sorely sorely lacking.


Well-Known Member
Local 177 and The West Coast States have reached an agreement with UPS to form their own healthcare plan that will be equal to or better than the enhanced Central States TeamCare Plan. Local 177 will not be forced into Central States.

so your statement here is suggesting that Local 177 will not be forced into the C-6?
and as for the WC, does this apply as the same?

This should get interesting.
Would like to ask who here could go into some detail on how this will be presented.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
so your statement here is suggesting that Local 177 will not be forced into the C-6?
and as for the WC, does this apply as the same?

This should get interesting.
Would like to ask who here could go into some detail on how this will be presented.

Got some info from one of my clerk friends at 177 (my old local) says we (retirees) will be in a 80/20 plan, not sure of the current employees..sounds like going back to the traditional one when I 1st started.. More details coming this Tuesday as the Hall will be down at the buildings early to discuss with the members. My friend said possibly new retirees may get part b covered after 65...Us retirees will not...and I believe monthly benefits for retirees will go up in stages from what he heard..more to follow..........don't hold me to all I heard untill hall spills the beans:peaceful:


New Member
Hey guys I was just looking over the new insurance the union is proposing. It’s a ppo which does not pay the doctors good. On the other hand I looked up dentists that are in the plan and the closest 1 is in Niagra and I don’t think it’s a very good one. Escanaba the closest 1 is Spalding and then gwinn. And that’s all 1 office in each town. So you will not have a choice in a dentist soon. VOTE NO on this crap. The union has sold us out. Spread the word our union is lining its own pockets on our medical benefits !!!!! Here is the web site of our new soon to be med plan. The problem they aren’t telling is it’s a ppo plan that the local doctors are expected to take less money and in return they wont give us as good of care as we have now.

I looked up vision and the closest is Escananba for me. And remember these are bottom of the barrel doctors that are accepting less money for their services. Just to give you an idea there is only 6 vision places in the whole U.P. in this damn network. This is a huge huge cut.

I have to use mail order for my meds now and travel out of town for a dentist and a vision center!!!!!! Hoffa needs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys have to take a better look at this. And with the Union now in charge of our health care wait till next contract and see the cuts you will get.


Well-Known Member
opie: so your statement here is suggesting that Local 177 will not be forced into the C-6? and as for the WC, does this apply as the same? This should get interesting. Would like to ask who here could go into some detail on how this will be presented.
Yes, this information was posted on the Local 177 website. No central states plan for us. West Coast also have created a plan separate from C-6.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
WOW, excellent job for your local, for one having the foresight to add the Memorandum of Understanding in The National Master Contract and to secure superior HC.

That isnt what the MOU was designed to do. It was NEVER to secure "SUPERIOR" HC. You will NOT find the words "better", "Superior", "increased", "higher" and in fact it , the MOU says the opposite.

The MOU's only instruction to the west/southwest was to find a Plan that was Equal to the C6 plan that was "initially" offered at the same price per employee that was spent by the C6.

We can find a better plan all day long here in the southwest, but we cant find a better plan for the same price that the C6 was spending on those already on that plan.

Because of the NO vote, the IBT and the Trustees of the C6 plan had to "increase" the amount of money spent on the new employees plan to the levels they currently had "voiding" that part of the MOU.

You cant buy the same plan for less money.

Out here, our UPS plan costs $18992.94 a year and the C6 plan costs a little over 12,000 for less coverage along with higher deductibles and copays.

The CSH&W was going to take our $18992.94 allocation and give us (in the west) a 12,000 plan and use the remainder to shore up underfunding issues at CSH&W.

This "miraculous" change to plans that "equal" what "we" in the west have is nothing more than the CSH&W using ALL of our allocated monies and buying us the same coverage for 4 years and then starting the change in year 5 with deductibles.

There really is nothing to celebrate here other than having the same coverage for 5 years and then waiting for the reductions to follow as the years pass and the CSH&W begin to reduce benefit levels.

That MOU is still dangerous and there is nothing positive about it.

It still contains this " nothing in this agreement shall preclude the CSH&W from changing employee benefits".

Hypothetically speaking, 6 months after the ink is dry on the contract, the trustees of the CSH&W can reduce the plan back to where it was first initially offered to us.

There is no Guarantee that benefit levels will remain the same over the duration of this contract.

While you celebrate the "insight" of the IBT, others like myself are thinking outside the box and preparing for the worse.

Think about it.




Well-Known Member
Yes, this information was posted on the Local 177 website. No central states plan for us. West Coast also have created a plan separate from C-6.

Please share what you suggest here as to what this "separate" Western Conference health care plan is.


Well-Known Member
Please share what you suggest here as to what this "separate" Western Conference health care plan is.
Separate.....Which means they are creating their own plan and NOT going into TeamCare. Our local will be represented in our fund, so they will have more control of it. I don't have any other details. My local will be updating us in the coming days on our newly formed plan.


Active Member
What about other issues?
They have made Health Care the TOTAL focus. If this 2nd proposal gets approved without additional changes, we're screwed. For example what about the following. More full time jobs, 4 year progression, harassment, excessive overtime, feeder jobs, 9.5 issues and a broken grievance procedure. All of these are also very important. They're not talking about doing anything about these. Until these are negotiated again, I'm still a no.