I'm just poking at you a little (and bro Stonefish). It's a middle child syndrome thing.
Still got that same dog? I got a Schnauzer. He likes to bite my mother in law so I keep him healthy.
I never really left. I have some technical difficulties with the old name so I now have a new one. If there is anything I want on this site or for this site it that we respect Cheryl. She started this site and it wouldn't be here without her. There would be no Bubblehead hoakster upstate 407 sober ect ect ect without her. She is this site and I want others to understand this. Thanks for welcoming me back my friend bleedinbrown58.
I'm just poking at you a little (and bro Stonefish). It's a middle child syndrome thing.
Still got that same dog? I got a Schnauzer. He likes to bite my mother in law so I keep him healthy.
I never really left. I have some technical difficulties with the old name so I now have a new one. If there is anything I want on this site or for this site it that we respect Cheryl. She started this site and it wouldn't be here without her. There would be no Bubblehead hoakster upstate 407 sober ect ect ect without her. She is this site and I want others to understand this. Thanks for welcoming me back my friend bleedinbrown58.
Hillbilly? My mom's from Alabama. They own goats and snakes for pets down there. Not THAT'S hillbilly living!
(They had a goat named Obediah. Now, that is just wrong.)
Baaaad idea. Pun intended.
as far as you being hurt grow thicker skin. I asked how you were doing friend? We are friends and I asked you how you were doing on the open forum. I'm trying to not be the confrontational 407 on here. I defiantly wasent challenging you or implying anything. I just dropped in to say thanks to inthegame and bug for asking about me. I wanted to say hi.
I got a new Bluetooth that makes the voice text more reliable. It's called the Motorola whisper. It's the first time I have tried anything that's not a jawbone. It's really cool. Anyway my voice texts should be a lot more accurate.