Teamsters Endorse OBAMA


Well-Known Member
This is one of the biggest problems plaguing our country. Too many Americans can only think about themselves. It's always "me, me, me." Whatever happened to electing a president that is going to benefit the entire country as a whole instead of electing one that will only satisfy the selfish needs of the individual and his own family. There are millions of other people living in the country.

The Teamsters, who I am not against as a union, are only supporting Obama because of their own selfish agenda. That pretty much sums up most democrats. To say that republicans are anti-labor is absurd and foolish. The government should have little or nothing to do with labor issues anyway. Most republicans (including myself) believe that the national government should have little to do with labor. Or any other aspects of our lives. The national government is supposed to be in place to do what local governments can't and shouldn't do. If anyone is concerned about a presidential candidate's impact (if elected) on labor then a republican is always the better choice simply because of lower taxes allowing businesses (small and large) to maintain and add jobs.

I am a proud Teamster but will not be voting for Obama. My conscious won't allow it. Let the Teamsters worry about handling labor issues. Our president, whoever it may be, has other responsibilities.

Nice try Big_arrow-up but that's exactly what the Republican party would like you to think. Now I know why your called a "DITTO HEAD". Rush Limbaugh has talked about exactly what you just said. Practicly word-for-word. At least your making Rush Rich.

Anyway, The fact of the matter is, I don't know if you've been noticing the last 8 years but we have been doing things your way.

1. Lower taxes for the Rich and big corporations.
2. Wait for the trickle down.
3. de-regulation
4. Kepp Goverment out of Corporation business.
5. No need for unions (remember it's a perfect republican world)

LOOK WHAT ALL THAT GOT US! And you actualy want us to reward you with four (4) more years of that?

High Unemployment, Banks failing, CEO's making millions and walking away, No regulation, Did I say no Regulation, Let's all just trust the free market and it will all trickle down, Home Forclosure, AIG. aND NONE OF THAT has anything to do with our UNION.

OH! but now you probably just want to talk about Bill Ayers or the Rev Wright? Correct?

Give me a break


Well-Known Member
I always vote the opposite of the Union. It still pisses me off that they spend MILLIONS of our dues on politics. They should ask each member if they want to send money to Washington..I bet our dues would be 30-40 dollars. I really don't care for the unions opinions. I don't push my opinions on people why should they on us.
Sounds like you have good morals, Well then why don't you speak up when Republicans rake in the cash from all the big corporations for there political leg-up? Our UNION has to suport those that will work with them on Fair Pay and fair benefits.

Or speak up when CEO's walk away from big Corporations with $MILLIONS$ of dollars?. Let's not talk about that.


Well-Known Member
Re: What a Democrat will do for your country!

The Clinton Presidency: A Historic Era of Progress and Prosperity
  • Longest economic expansion in American history
    The President’s strategy of fiscal discipline, open foreign markets and investments in the American people helped create the conditions for a record 115 months of economic expansion. Our economy has grown at an average of 4 percent per year since 1993.
  • More than 22 million new jobs
    More than 22 million jobs were created in less than eight years -- the most ever under a single administration, and more than were created in the previous twelve years.
  • Highest homeownership in American history
    A strong economy and fiscal discipline kept interest rates low, making it possible for more families to buy homes. The homeownership rate increased from 64.2 percent in 1992 to 67. 7 percent, the highest rate ever.
  • Lowest unemployment in 30 years
    Unemployment dropped from more than 7 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in November 2000. Unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics fell to the lowest rates on record, and the rate for women is the lowest in more than 40 years.
  • Raised education standards, increased school choice, and doubled education and training investment
    Since 1992, reading and math scores have increased for 4th, 8th, and 12th graders, math SAT scores are at a 30-year high, the number of charter schools has grown from 1 to more than 2,000, forty-nine states have put in place standards in core subjects and federal investment in education and training has doubled.
  • Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill
    President Clinton and Vice President Gore have nearly doubled financial aid for students by increasing Pell Grants to the largest award ever, expanding Federal Work-Study to allow 1 million students to work their way through college, and by creating new tax credits and scholarships such as Lifetime Learning tax credits and the HOPE scholarship. At the same time, taxpayers have saved $18 billion due to the decline in student loan defaults, increased collections and savings from the direct student loan program.
  • Connected 95 percent of schools to the Internet
    President Clinton and Vice President Gore’s new commitment to education technology, including the E-Rate and a 3,000 percent increase in educational technology funding, increased the percentage of schools connected to the Internet from 35 percent in 1994 to 95 percent in 1999.
  • Lowest crime rate in 26 years
    Because of President Clinton’s comprehensive anti-crime strategy of tough penalties, more police, and smart prevention, as well as common sense gun safety laws, the overall crime rate declined for 8 consecutive years, the longest continuous drop on record, and is at the lowest level since 1973.
  • 100,000 more police for our streets
    As part of the 1994 Crime Bill, President Clinton enacted a new initiative to fund 100,000 community police officers. To date more than 11,000 law enforcement agencies have received COPS funding.
  • Enacted most sweeping gun safety legislation in a generation
    Since the President signed the Brady bill in 1993, more than 600,000 felons, fugitives, and other prohibited persons have been stopped from buying guns. Gun crime has declined 40 percent since 1992.
  • Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans
    To help parents succeed at work and at home, President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993. Over 20 million Americans have taken unpaid leave to care for a newborn child or sick family member.
  • Smallest welfare rolls in 32 years
    The President pledged to end welfare as we know it and signed landmark bipartisan welfare reform legislation in 1996. Since then, caseloads have been cut in half, to the lowest level since 1968, and millions of parents have joined the workforce. People on welfare today are five times more likely to be working than in 1992.
  • Higher incomes at all levels
    After falling by nearly $2,000 between 1988 and 1992, the median family’s income rose by $6,338, after adjusting for inflation, since 1993. African American family income increased even more, rising by nearly $7,000 since 1993. After years of stagnant income growth among average and lower income families, all income brackets experienced double-digit growth since 1993. The bottom 20 percent saw the largest income growth at 16.3 percent.
  • Lowest poverty rate in 20 years
    Since Congress passed President Clinton’s Economic Plan in 1993, the poverty rate declined from 15.1 percent to 11.8 percent last year — the largest six-year drop in poverty in nearly 30 years. There are now 7 million fewer people in poverty than in 1993. The child poverty rate declined more than 25 percent, the poverty rates for single mothers, African Americans and the elderly have dropped to their lowest levels on record, and Hispanic poverty dropped to its lowest level since 1979.
  • Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years
    In his 1995 State of the Union Address, President Clinton challenged Americans to join together in a national campaign against teen pregnancy. The birth rate for teens aged 15-19 declined every year of the Clinton Presidency, from 60.7 per 1,000 teens in 1992 to a record low of 49.6 in 1999.
  • Lowest infant mortality rate in American history
    The Clinton Administration expanded efforts to provide mothers and newborn children with health care. Today, a record high 82 percent of all mothers receive prenatal care. The infant mortality rate has dropped from 8.5 deaths per 1,000 in 1992 to 7.2 deaths per 1,000 in 1998, the lowest rate ever recorded.
  • Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union
    Efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration led to the dismantling of more than 1,700 nuclear warheads, 300 launchers and 425 land and submarine based missiles from the former Soviet Union.
  • Protected millions of acres of American land
    President Clinton has protected more land in the lower 48 states than any other president. He has protected 5 new national parks, designated 11 new national monuments and expanded two others and proposed protections for 60 million acres of roadless areas in America’s national forests.
  • Paid off $360 billion of the national debt
    Between 1998-2000, the national debt was reduced by $363 billion — the largest three-year debt pay-down in American history. We are now on track to pay off the entire debt by 2009.
  • Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus
    Thanks in large part to the 1993 Deficit Reduction Act, the 1997 Balanced Budget Act, and President Clinton’s call to save the surplus for debt reduction, Social Security, and Medicare solvency, America has put its fiscal house in order. The deficit was $290 billion in 1993 and expected to grow to $455 billion by this year. Instead, we have a projected surplus of $237 billion.
  • Lowest government spending in three decades
    Under President Clinton federal government spending as a share of the economy has decreased from 22.2 percent in 1992 to a projected 18.5 percent in 2000, the lowest since 1966.
  • Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years
    President Clinton enacted targeted tax cuts such as the Earned Income Tax Credit expansion, $500 child tax credit, and the HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits. Federal income taxes as a percentage of income for the typical American family have dropped to their lowest level in 35 years.
  • More families own stock than ever before
    The number of families owning stock in the United States increased by 40 percent since 1992.
  • Most diverse cabinet in American history
    The President has appointed more African Americans, women and Hispanics to the Cabinet than any other President in history. He appointed the first female Attorney General, the first female Secretary of State and the first Asian American cabinet secretary ever.
This is the best one: Lowest government spending in three decades
Under President Clinton federal government spending as a share of the economy has decreased from 22.2 percent in 1992 to a projected 18.5 percent in 2000, the lowest since 1966

How much has The Baby Bush Republican Bleeding heart liberal spent? I think it is an ALL TIME record.....

I couldn't have said it better.


Well-Known Member
Re: What a Democrat will do for your country!

I pay little attention to these type of things. Usually the only interesting things about them is the end result after running through a fact check session.
So, I take it your paying attention to the current "END RESULT" of the Bush Republican failed economic plan? Correct? You know? The last eight (8) years?


Well-Known Member

how much is a fair days pay? give me a number. what should min wage be, number please? what types of bennies should an employer have to pay for for each employee.

DANNYBOY, Well, work for (NON-UNION) Fed-Ex and perhaps you'll see the difference between a UNION's fair days pay and benefits and a Non-Union's fair days pay. and both companys still make billions.

I hope that helps dannyboy but next time throw a tougher question at me.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
It isn't Republican leadership! It's your Dems in the house and senate. They have the least bills and laws EVER! What do you think Obama is Going to do. The same as the rest of them (Do nothing but increase our taxes). He said so over and over again. The 95 percent he keeps grabbing includes the 15 million illegals. Who do not pay taxes anyway. He also wants to give them health care. That is coming out of your wallet just like mine. I will vote for someone who says they will not increase our taxes. I like getting a rebate check from the government. Bush had to take over from Clintons mess. Who rode the wave from Reagan/Bush 1. Clinton gave N. Korea/Iran weapons-Hense the mess we have now with those countrys. Don't believe the main stream media. Try Fox once and a while to balance out and filter out for yourself. If you can manage delivery every day i hope you will be able to listen to both sides and form a sensible opinion-Don't be closed minded


I don't even see your logic, I guess that's your way of saying you can't find one good reason the Teamsters would endorse McCain?

Next your going to tell me the same ol"

Lower Taxes for the Rich and pray for a trickle down.

Like I said that boat don't float anymore

and BTW, WE HAVE ALREADY LOST ALL THOSE JOBS, uNEMPLOYMENT IS UP, people are losing there houses, Banks are going under, Companys are moving overseas. nEED i GO ON. All this under Republican Leadership.

And your worried about OBAMA?

Scoobypanda, Good call.

oh my god 10 2 go, So I take it McCain has no option now but to just go NEGATIVE. Let's not talk about the failed economy under your Republican leadership. Jobls lost, High Unemployment, Bank Failures, Bail outs, homes lost.

All this (and more) under your Republican leadership.

NO, LETS JUST GO NEGATIVE AND pray that the american people forget about the failed economics of the Republican leadership. Yeah, That's the ticket.

Let's talk about Bill Ayers or better let's talk about the Rev Wright, Yeah, that will distract from the economy and we can do more damage, Perhaps we can bust the UNIONS.

Give me a break.

Drewd, That's exactly what myself and many americans are doing now "Think for yourself". For "Myself" My UNION has helped me receive a fair days work at a fair days pay and benefits while at the same time my company (UPS) still makes BILLIONS. Sounds good to me. I'm not going to be coned by the Republican party anymore and pretend to do what's "Good for the country.

Give me a break.

Seems to me that everyone has to agree with mikestrek, or else. Come on, give us a break already. If everyone was a Democrat, would we all see eye to eye? Not everyone was born a trumpet player. Not everyone was born a truck driver. Not everyone is from the south. Not everyone one here is the same race. Mikestrek, you need to give us a break due to our overwhelming diversity. Some people will agree with you and some won't. Some won't say in writing that they disagree with you and some will. Some will agree in writing and some won't. The point is, we are who we are and that's how it will always be. Maybe you'd prefer if we were like mindless animals that are pre-programmed by instinct. For instance, birds hatch, grow feathers, fly off, build nests, lay eggs and start all over. I for one don't want to be like that. I thank God that He gave me the freedom to choose what I want, go where I want and listen to Him or not if I so choose. Therefore, if you feel that Obama is the perfect choice for you, fine. But if others don't agree with you, that's fine too. I don't think the, I'm right and you're not attitude is going to win anyone over to your side. Not all Teamsters are Democrats, you know. As Hoax stated above, he's Libertarian. He votes as his mind directs. He takes into account all things, not just party affiliation. That, my friend, is wisdom at work. So let's be a little bit more open minded next time, before you start bashing someones politics, religion, race or outlook. Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
......everything leading up to it happened on CLINTON'S watch.
Why does it always turn into a Bush bashing session?
This post was about the Teamsters doing what they always do. Support the Dem. party IE Osama.....ooops, I mean Obama....damn typos. :wink2:
Same ol' by Republicans, 9/11 hapened on Bush watch but try to blame it on President Clinton.

Oh! Now eight (8) years of Republican Bush and now Republicans are trying to blame the failed economy on President Clinton (once again)

Did you all see how republicans were trying to blame the Democrat Congress up until they were reminded the the Democrat congress was only elected two (2) years ago.

I guess that's why all polls are giving OBAMA a huge lead. Even FOX NEWS polls give OBAMA a big State-By-State lead.

Well, I gues it's time for Republicans to start going negative, Let's talk about Bill Ayers, No! better yet, Let's bring back Rev Wright. Yeah, That's the ticket.

Give me a break


Well-Known Member
History has proven time and time again that you can not tax your way to prosperity. One thing you can count on though, if Obama is elected he's gonna try it one more time.
As oposed to HUGE tax cuts for the rich and pray for a trickle down. Le's look around us (RIGHT NOW) and see how that works.



Im not the Mail Man!
Lets think about this situation, If you think the democrats care about union values ask yourself why they go out of their way to support an open border policy? Nothing has and will indanger strong salaries and benefits like a glutton of CHEAP labor, open your eyes people. The only 100% pro union member of the Democratic party in recent memory has been Joe Leiberman and look at what the Democrats did to him. Oh thats right they ran him out of town, thus he became an Independant. Here in California you could say we are a Democrat ran state and guess what, the state ships Fed-Ex. The republicans are not great, in my opinion they have become like all other politicians(crooked). However they atleast realize we all cant become goverment employees and that real progress has and will always come from the private employer.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that everyone has to agree with mikestrek, or else. Come on, give us a break already. If everyone was a Democrat, would we all see eye to eye? Not everyone was born a trumpet player. Not everyone was born a truck driver. Not everyone is from the south. Not everyone one here is the same race. Mikestrek, you need to give us a break due to our overwhelming diversity. Some people will agree with you and some won't. Some won't say in writing that they disagree with you and some will. Some will agree in writing and some won't. The point is, we are who we are and that's how it will always be. Maybe you'd prefer if we were like mindless animals that are pre-programmed by instinct. For instance, birds hatch, grow feathers, fly off, build nests, lay eggs and start all over. I for one don't want to be like that. I thank God that He gave me the freedom to choose what I want, go where I want and listen to Him or not if I so choose. Therefore, if you feel that Obama is the perfect choice for you, fine. But if others don't agree with you, that's fine too. I don't think the, I'm right and you're not attitude is going to win anyone over to your side. Not all Teamsters are Democrats, you know. As Hoax stated above, he's Libertarian. He votes as his mind directs. He takes into account all things, not just party affiliation. That, my friend, is wisdom at work. So let's be a little bit more open minded next time, before you start bashing someones politics, religion, race or outlook. Thanks!!!
Steve, I take it that's the long version of i'm voting for McCain? LOL.
Look, I didn't even want to bring this much politics into all this. Read my first post. It was only about the endorsement of the Teamsters.
I was given comments about politics and how the MAJORITY in the brown-cafe are republican. I honestly don't care how you vote but if you try to force your right wing junk on me I'm going to speak up. Also, back to the subject at hand. There is no doubt that Democrats do suport UNIONS and all I'm asking is to suport Obama if you want a fair days pay for a fair day work. I agree with the teamsters. It's all good.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Re: What a Democrat will do for your country!

So, I take it your paying attention to the current "END RESULT" of the Bush Republican failed economic plan? Correct? You know? The last eight (8) years?

Bush and the Republicans didn't fail. Idiotic and naive individuals failed by buying houses (among other things) that they couldn't afford. The banks and other corporations failed by providing loans to said individuals. Some did so out of greed and some did so years back when ridiculous housing laws were passed that basically forced these lenders to accommodate these people whether they could afford them or not. Banks couldn't turn people down for a loan even if they couldn't afford to pay them back. I mean....we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings right? LOL!


Steve, I take it that's the long version of i'm voting for McCain? LOL.
Look, I didn't even want to bring this much politics into all this. Read my first post. It was only about the endorsement of the Teamsters.
I was given comments about politics and how the MAJORITY in the brown-cafe are republican. I honestly don't care how you vote but if you try to force your right wing junk on me I'm going to speak up. Also, back to the subject at hand. There is no doubt that Democrats do suport UNIONS and all I'm asking is to suport Obama if you want a fair days pay for a fair day work. I agree with the teamsters. It's all good.

mikestrek, that was the long version of, SHUT UP ALREADY. My post had nothing to do with my politics at all. If you read it again you'll see that I'm talking about differences. You're blasting everyone that doesn't agree with you. I said we have a God given right that says we don't have to agree with you. That's what I said, I didn't endorse anyone. If you are going to vote in this election I hope you're not voting based on what your buddy says or some guy posts in a forum. A vote based on what you see in the candidates and they're varying experience is what you should base your decision upon. Do you get it now? Or do you just want to talk loudly over everyone, chanting, Obama, Obama, Obama???


Re: What a Democrat will do for your country!

Bush and the Republicans didn't fail. Idiotic and naive individuals failed by buying houses (among other things) that they couldn't afford. The banks and other corporations failed by providing loans to said individuals. Some did so out of greed and some did so years back when ridiculous housing laws were passed that basically forced these lenders to accommodate these people whether they could afford them or not. Banks couldn't turn people down for a loan even if they couldn't afford to pay them back. I mean....we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings right? LOL!

Nice observation, big arrow.


Well-Known Member
mikestrek, that was the long version of, SHUT UP ALREADY. My post had nothing to do with my politics at all. If you read it again you'll see that I'm talking about differences. You're blasting everyone that doesn't agree with you. I said we have a God given right that says we don't have to agree with you. That's what I said, I didn't endorse anyone. If you are going to vote in this election I hope you're not voting based on what your buddy says or some guy posts in a forum. A vote based on what you see in the candidates and they're varying experience is what you should base your decision upon. Do you get it now? Or do you just want to talk loudly over everyone, chanting, Obama, Obama, Obama???
Steve, I'm sorry but your first comment did sound neutral. However, your second comment (this comment) showed your true colors. and if your not so worried about differences why don't you comment on some of the "Right wing" views in this thread. and why tell me to "Shut up". I never told anyone in here to "shut up". Give me a break. At least I'm showing my true colors. I am a Democrat, I am a moderate, I am a catholic, I am a proud UNION member, I love my company (UPS). Just because I'm voting for OBAMA does not mean I'm not "INFORMED". Trust me Steve I have done my homework and I asm well informed and I'm not falling for the "Right wing" junk anymore. So just show me your true colors and I would think you would at least say your proud to be a Republican rather than hide behind your religion and say things like we all have a right to disagree. I know there are plenty of Republicans in the USA, I have plenty of Republican friends and at least there up front with me and we know where we all stand. Remember, I just started this thread about the endorsement of the OBAMA by the Teamsters and I guess Republicans want to bring Abortion, Taxes, and Religion into all of it. Anyway, next time tell me your true thought and don't say bad words.


Staff member
...and I guess Republicans want to bring Abortion, Taxes, and Religion into all of it.

YOU were the first one in the thread to bring up abortion and taxes! Check your second post. You're trolling us.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Why aren't you supporting the candidate whos family EMPLOYS Union people?

Why did a Democratic President (our friend, right?) pass the most anti- union act in history?

How many Union employees does Obama employ?


Browncafe Steward
I dont even know were to begin! As i have just spent over a half hour reading this thread, some really good points have been made and just as many bad points.

I am an Obama supporter and i believe that Obama will win. People want change and really want to believe that it can happen. People will vote for Obama because they see McCain and george w the third.

People have said that McCain will not bring more politics into the mix, yet as president he will appoint sevearl supreme court justices to over turn legal abortions.
Should the government have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body?

McCain will tax our medical benefits that we now receive from being part of a cba, but will give breaks to people that have to purchase their own medical plan.

Just a couple of examples of more oversight from the government and screwing the middle class working man/woman.

The rich are getting richer when the poor are getting poorer, the gap is widening from the upper class to middle class.

These are my views and i dont expect anyonr to change their mind of form a decision from my post. As a voter you have to sit down and research which canidate will best serve your best interets. If you cant/wont take the time to research than you should not take the time to vote!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: What a Democrat will do for your country!


I couldn't have said it better.

You and Paid Slave ... All you do is look backwards! Bill Clinton - GW Bush -

Backwards thinking people tend to look backwards! :happy-very:

If Clinton was Almighty God where is Hillary now! It seems the Dems missed a golden opportunity.

Getting back to the thread - the only reason the Teamsters continue to have the membership they have is because of the evil UPS machine.

Without UPS - a lot of you, younger Teamsters wouldn't exist.

Unless something has changed since I retired, you still get your paycheck from UPS right???

What BO doesn't tell anyone - except it slipped out of Biden's mouth during the debate is no new taxes for those making $250K or less BUT BARRACK NOBAMA WILL ELIMINATE THE BUSH TAX CUTS WHICH WILL INCREASE YOUR TAXES INCLUDING CAPITAL GAINS AND EMPLOYEE PAYROLL TAXES!!!

Fact - Not Fiction
If the Bush tax cuts get rescinded It will hurt every American and every company and every union! - How many new teamsters do you think will be added to the ranks?

How do all you brainiacs think Mr Chicago is going to pay for all the programs he wants for us?


Steve, I'm sorry but your first comment did sound neutral. However, your second comment (this comment) showed your true colors. and if your not so worried about differences why don't you comment on some of the "Right wing" views in this thread. and why tell me to "Shut up". I never told anyone in here to "shut up". Give me a break. At least I'm showing my true colors. I am a Democrat, I am a moderate, I am a catholic, I am a proud UNION member, I love my company (UPS). Just because I'm voting for OBAMA does not mean I'm not "INFORMED". Trust me Steve I have done my homework and I asm well informed and I'm not falling for the "Right wing" junk anymore. So just show me your true colors and I would think you would at least say your proud to be a Republican rather than hide behind your religion and say things like we all have a right to disagree. I know there are plenty of Republicans in the USA, I have plenty of Republican friends and at least there up front with me and we know where we all stand. Remember, I just started this thread about the endorsement of the OBAMA by the Teamsters and I guess Republicans want to bring Abortion, Taxes, and Religion into all of it. Anyway, next time tell me your true thought and don't say bad words.

By saying shut up, I meant you've said enough. Sorry for putting it that way. I obviously know where you stand, as I've read the thread title and all the posts. You say you are well informed and it sounds like you are. As for me, I like the olden days. I don't need to tell you whom I am voting for, even if you think you know. My point was made already by stating the freedom to choose. I apologize for offending you by saying Shut Up. Thanks.