Well-Known Member
This is one of the biggest problems plaguing our country. Too many Americans can only think about themselves. It's always "me, me, me." Whatever happened to electing a president that is going to benefit the entire country as a whole instead of electing one that will only satisfy the selfish needs of the individual and his own family. There are millions of other people living in the country.
The Teamsters, who I am not against as a union, are only supporting Obama because of their own selfish agenda. That pretty much sums up most democrats. To say that republicans are anti-labor is absurd and foolish. The government should have little or nothing to do with labor issues anyway. Most republicans (including myself) believe that the national government should have little to do with labor. Or any other aspects of our lives. The national government is supposed to be in place to do what local governments can't and shouldn't do. If anyone is concerned about a presidential candidate's impact (if elected) on labor then a republican is always the better choice simply because of lower taxes allowing businesses (small and large) to maintain and add jobs.
I am a proud Teamster but will not be voting for Obama. My conscious won't allow it. Let the Teamsters worry about handling labor issues. Our president, whoever it may be, has other responsibilities.
Nice try Big_arrow-up but that's exactly what the Republican party would like you to think. Now I know why your called a "DITTO HEAD". Rush Limbaugh has talked about exactly what you just said. Practicly word-for-word. At least your making Rush Rich.
Anyway, The fact of the matter is, I don't know if you've been noticing the last 8 years but we have been doing things your way.
1. Lower taxes for the Rich and big corporations.
2. Wait for the trickle down.
3. de-regulation
4. Kepp Goverment out of Corporation business.
5. No need for unions (remember it's a perfect republican world)
LOOK WHAT ALL THAT GOT US! And you actualy want us to reward you with four (4) more years of that?
High Unemployment, Banks failing, CEO's making millions and walking away, No regulation, Did I say no Regulation, Let's all just trust the free market and it will all trickle down, Home Forclosure, AIG. aND NONE OF THAT has anything to do with our UNION.
OH! but now you probably just want to talk about Bill Ayers or the Rev Wright? Correct?
Give me a break