Sounds like your one of those who believe the union is in it just to protect you. Fact is they want to increase your dues-ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. If you believe the union you must have voted for one of the worse contracts ever at ups.
10 2 go, Actualy, I'm one of those guys that studies history and you may recall back in the early 1900's big corporations would tell there employees, "Your lucky to just have a job". Big Corporations would make Millions of dollars. Yet pay there employees pennies, Not to mention the poor working conditions. You see, believe it or not some corporations see money coming in and sometimes want more. Not just for profit but also for greed. Finaly organized Labor steped in (UNIONS) and said "enough is enough" Let's let the big corporations continue to make millions but let's be fair and pay an employee a fair days pay for a fair days work.
The reason we still have UNIONS is to keep up with the balance of power. Look at the company greed today. OH! and CEO's still walked away from there big corporations with millions.
The thing to do now for big corporations is throw your hands in the air and move your company overseas so you can once again pay pennies to your employees and make even more profit (GREED).
10 2 GO, I know you enjoy the pay and benefits you have but I'll bet you have no idea about the men and women that came before you that went out on strike and risked it all so you could have a fair days work for a fair days pay. If you study history, You'll notice why I'm Pro-Union and why I suport those that suport unions.