Well-Known Member
LIKE i SAID IN A PAST POST OVER9FIVE, That boat dont float nomore. I have two nephews in the army and navy and I'm going to work my tail end of to get those boys and all our boys pulled out of that war. If your mad at anyone you should direct that anger at George Bush, You know the guy hiding in the white house now waiting for his term to end quickly.OK, that was the final straw. What an extremely offensive, anti-American remark.
No American who EVER died in the service of their country died "for nothing".
What a horrible disrespectful thing to say. You owe this board, and every American serviceman/woman an apology. I think maybe you should shut your mouth for a while and think about the garbage you just spewed.
Moronic comments like that make me sick. I'm done with you, troll.
Remember? NO WMD's. I ask you for an Apology for suporting George Bush and alowing our fine soldiers to die because George Bush couldn't admit he made a mistake. The LIE stops now.
I say PULL our fine soldiers YESTERDAY.
But nice try pulling the patriotic thing.