Well-Known Member
Honestly, what would you say if the IBT endorsed McCain?
Or better yet, what if the union endorsed beastiality; would you fly with that too?
Honestly, what would you say if the IBT endorsed McCain?
Couldn't have said it up better. Turns out a picture is worth a thousand words.Here are your leaders!
And if it would have been in CA would have anyone had bitched?Couldn't have said it up better. Turns out a picture is worth a thousand words.
I wish him well at Fed Ex.....the non-union shop....It amazes me that most FedEx drivers Wish there were Union......And here we have brett going against what The Union Endorses. !
I would have to agree with you. I had a fed-ex air driver come up to me about a month ago. He asked me for UNION information. I have the LOCAL number in my cell phone so I gave it to him. He hasn't got back to me on it but I could tell he was stressed by something. And you hear some guys in hear that don't appriciate what they have. I say try out Fed-Ex for a while and you'll be wishing you were back at a UNION job like UPS. I don't get it also.Originally Posted by brett636
This thread is full of laughs. Especially when Mike and paidslave make it appear that voting in Obama is in my best interests. The way I look at it is this, I can always find another job, but I will never find another country as great as this one. Regardless of what my pay or benefits are I know that as long as I can work, I can succeed in this country. Its something Obama and most democrats want us to forget.
My current observations on this teamsters endorsement of Obama is the only ones seriously supporting him are the teamster leadership, and a few brainless followers. The rest are voting for McCain.
Brett, Here in my center, Not all but most of us are voting Obama. All I can say is go ahead and work for FED-EX right down the street and tell us all then if you don't care for unions?
I don't think Fed-ex would hire him. Brett is out of touch with reality. We are nearing in on 8% umemployment as we speak......He might get a driver helper job. Maybe not, I think the only thing he is good at is delivering is propaganda....I am sure it will pay very well!
I wish him well at Fed Ex.....the non-union shop....It amazes me that most FedEx drivers Wish there were Union......And here we have brett going against what The Union Endorses. It really blows my mind.....It is nothing but immaturity!
Be careful in this thinking paidslave...unions do not guarantee jobs.
Unions guarantee that jobs will be eliminated in least seniority to most seniority order.
I had reread and reread this post and I don't see where I said Unions Guarantee jobs....Please show me where you read this from?
It's just as mature as what you and Mike are posting. It's a legit question- do you do everything the union tells you?
I'll take you at your word...I read between the lines of your reply to brett636.
Upon rereading your post with your assertion that you did not mean to imply "stick with Unions to ensure your job", I withdraw my warning.
Please accept my apology.
You and Mike are entitled to your opinion and vote, just like the rest of us. If you think that you are doing Obama a favor by your elementary rants of "where are the WMD's" and Bush bashing, I think you are wrong. When someone pushes their opinions like you and Mike are, it tends to have the opposite effect and more people will go against you simply because you are trying so hard to push your opinions on them.
Simply put, we know your opinions, and we know who you are voting for- now respect ours and quit trying to be "Hitlers" on here by FORCING your opinions on us.
You and Mike are entitled to your opinion and vote, just like the rest of us. If you think that you are doing Obama a favor by your elementary rants of "where are the WMD's" and Bush bashing, I think you are wrong. When someone pushes their opinions like you and Mike are, it tends to have the opposite effect and more people will go against you simply because you are trying so hard to push your opinions on them.
Simply put, we know your opinions, and we know who you are voting for- now respect ours and quit trying to be "Hitlers" on here by FORCING your opinions on us.
You're right everyone picks their noses and gets paid for it!
I dont even know were to begin! As i have just spent over a half hour reading this thread, some really good points have been made and just as many bad points.
I am an Obama supporter and i believe that Obama will win. People want change and really want to believe that it can happen. People will vote for Obama because they see McCain and george w the third.
People have said that McCain will not bring more politics into the mix, yet as president he will appoint sevearl supreme court justices to over turn legal abortions.
Should the government have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body?
McCain will tax our medical benefits that we now receive from being part of a cba, but will give breaks to people that have to purchase their own medical plan.
Just a couple of examples of more oversight from the government and screwing the middle class working man/woman.
The rich are getting richer when the poor are getting poorer, the gap is widening from the upper class to middle class.
These are my views and i dont expect anyonr to change their mind of form a decision from my post. As a voter you have to sit down and research which canidate will best serve your best interets. If you cant/wont take the time to research than you should not take the time to vote!
What does the fact that the Teamsters have endorsed Obama for president mean to me/us?
Talk about, Bite the hand that feeds you.
I had reread and reread this post and I don't see where I said Unions Guarantee jobs....Please show me where you read this from?
The only thing that Guarantees Jobs is Hard work and repeat customers. Something that I work hard at everyday to keep my customers happy! That is what keeps my job and UPS prospering . Not my attitude as such that I can find a job anywhere that I want, like Brett Believes....