Teamsters Local 705 Election


The Howard Moore Slate seems like a fresh start. Angry is the attitude and complaining that goes on amongst the drivers about how the company is always screwing them and how unappreciative they are to be making the money Feeder drivers make. Insignificant in that their lives must be so uninteresting and sad that all they have is this pecking order and can be over somebody. Most are there 13 hours and have no other life or are about to be divorced from their 2nd or third wife. Racist in the ways that CACH has had 3 racial slurs against black people in the past 3 months. HR had to get involved and remind drivers of conduct procedures. Funny how there hasn't been an act since that, except for the few cowardly racial remarks on soap boxes about voting for J.J. DYNOMITE. which refers to Howard Moore being a black man.
The Howard Moore Slate seems like a fresh start. Angry is the attitude and complaining that goes on amongst the drivers about how the company is always screwing them and how unappreciative they are to be making the money Feeder drivers make. Insignificant in that their lives must be so uninteresting and sad that all they have is this pecking order and can be over somebody. Most are there 13 hours and have no other life or are about to be divorced from their 2nd or third wife. Racist in the ways that CACH has had 3 racial slurs against black people in the past 3 months. HR had to get involved and remind drivers of conduct procedures. Funny how there hasn't been an act since that, except for the few cowardly racial remarks on soap boxes about voting for J.J. DYNOMITE. which refers to Howard Moore being a black man.

Hey Mike B,why didn`t you just come out and introduce yourself? Were you too busy campaigning on the clock like you were all week,especially like when you were working the Set OPS? Cmon buddy,you can come clean here and tell everyone you were the one who put the slur in grease on the side of the trailer and then tried to rat out Big E for it. You should be able to stay up late and talk since you are well rested from sleeping on the clock like you were upstairs in the shifter cafeteria. I have a pic,maybe I`ll print it out and send it to everyone,especially Potatohead.
If you want to try and sell your slate on here in an intelligent manor then feel free. If you want to just come on and try and trash Steve's slate,like you try at work the go somewhere else. Problem is there`s people here who work with you and know exactly the kind of person you are and all kinds of stuff about you.


Browncafe Steward
I'm brand new to this website, but I can see most of you must work at CACH. Disgruntled, angry, insignificant, racist, pathetic complainers. Feelings of entitlement, fragile egos and an overall lack of testicle fortitude.

Actually all you have seen is that 1 poster on this site is from CACH, by the way I love the xmas lights on your car. Reminds me of a memorial shrine for a lost loved one.

IBT is supposed to be brothers but only when that suits you. I see the attitudes this election has provoked.

Are you referring to yourself? How many meetings have you been to? Besides the nomination and the month before when you thought the nomination meeting was. What time did you leave in September? Just wondering how long it took you to realize there was no meeting? lol

People's true colors have been exposed for what they really are. If Steve has done such a great job why is he the one sweating this election? Mike Moore is not wrong when he called him a thief. Steve did give himself an illegal $5000.00 raise which Joint Council made him pay back.

Do you do any research? Any at all? How could Steve give himself a raise back than? The truth is Steve went from being an appointed agent to a elected agent and was giving a raise. Years later when he ran in 2003 this was brought up and Steve repaid the money. It was ruled that the whole Eboard did not sign off on it, not that Steve was guilty of being a thief!

Mr.Bennett I will like to put you on notice right now for slandering! The whole Moore slate has been served with a lawsuit for this and since you are running for President and you just accused Steve again of this you will now be served with the same charges.

Steve helped Feeder Drivers only with that last contract. What all of you guys can't grasp outside your little world of the CACH yard is that there are Part-timers and 22.3 who also exist. We need representation and want to be informed more than just being told to cross an illegal wild cat strike picket line. That's the only time part-timers matter, to serve the show of strength and of course right now when Steve desperately needs our vote. I hope Steve loses this election. He never shows his face, not even now. What is he so afraid of?

I was out there 3 times over the last 2 weeks with "Steve" at the first gate and he talked with the members for hours. Truth be told that there are over 200 buildings within this local and Steve does his best to visit them all through the year.

I have a serious question for you, how many votes do you really plan on getting? Im saying less than 200!


Browncafe Steward
I see we have some Brotherly Love festering in the 705 arena...

Its campaign time here, we have a slate of has beens that have been voted out once already, you have an all freight slate saying screw ups and you have this Howard Moore slate that has no union experience.

And than you have the Steve Pocztowski slate that is up for their third term.

Hey Bennett is that picture billboard of your with the xmas lights printed by a union printer? You might want to read the rules of campaigning!

I heard you had to jump start your "station wagon" because you drained the battery? lol

With this kind of thinking how long will it take you to drain a billion dollar pension fund? lmao


Mike B? Mr. Bennett? Who is that? He doesn't sound very well liked. Too bad there is so much hatred between union brothers. Why can't we close this gap between part-timers and drivers? Maybe I should change to Teamsters for Change? You guys are way too into this for your saturday night. I'm outta here. Later...much later.
Mike B? Mr. Bennett? Who is that? He doesn't sound very well liked. Too bad there is so much hatred between union brothers. Why can't we close this gap between part-timers and drivers? Maybe I should change to Teamsters for Change? You guys are way too into this for your saturday night. I'm outta here. Later...much later.

I`ll see you at work,Mike. Maybe you can give me some fliers.


Browncafe Steward
Mike B? Mr. Bennett? Who is that? He doesn't sound very well liked. Too bad there is so much hatred between union brothers. Why can't we close this gap between part-timers and drivers? Maybe I should change to Teamsters for Change? You guys are way too into this for your saturday night. I'm outta here. Later...much later.
How do you plan on running the 2nd largest local in the country if you cannot debate these issues here with a few members? Companies like UPS will eat you up, but you would know that if you had any steward experience.

Mike can you please explian to us your vision for this local over the next 3 years?
If Mikey`s standard operating procedure at work is any prelude to his union leadership agenda then I can tell you he is only going to be out for whatever does something for him. Plain and simple.
If members want an official who views them all equally,drivers,22.3,part timers,then thats Mikey. He won`t do anything to benefit anyone,equally across the board.

P.s. Thats him sleeping in his truck in post #2


Active Member
Please tell me what the current administration has done for all the members 705 on equal situations.
Are you able to list three things?


Browncafe Steward
Please tell me what the current administration has done for all the members 705 on equal situations.
Are you able to list three things?
Your question is a little confusing, however I will make an attempt.

Every grievance gets heard for its merit, we DO NOT trade grievances.

Our 9.5 grievances get paid, we do not have act of god language allowing sups to work.

Since we have a sitting arbitrator we have won more than 80% of our terminations, including 2 missort terminations with full back pay.

All of our laid off employees receive their current full time pay rate while performing laid off work, no pay cuts.

Grievances have been filed and each and every 22.3 lay off has been heard separate, we have not bulked them together, each will be arbitrated separate.

Any laid off feeder driver now has the right to bump a junior feeder driver in our local, this is won in the last contract. In the past you could only bump by district.

Stewards are sent for schooling to colleges, national labor college in Maryland and New Mexico, De Paul university in Chicago and University of Wisconsin in Madison WI. Our current administration took pay cuts in 2004 and have used this money to educate us the stewards so the members have the best representation.

We have 4 people that ran against us in the last election now supporting us, just go to and read for yourself.

Steve Pocztowski is the Secretary treasure of the 2nd biggest local and his salary is $164,000, this includes his salary from JC25. Just look at how many other Teamster reps make more. Steve is the only person in 705 that makes $100,000 a year, look at 710 for instance.

This administration has fought and won the jobs back of the guys that have run against them, each member is important and politics do not enter into it.

Lets not forget Labor leader of the year award.

How about when Steve fought for our retires?

When DHL threw out 700 employees? Steve got everyone of them a severance package.
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Active Member
Red705 my simple question to you was and still is very confusing to you and the current administration that you support. You poured your heart out for the administration that you support but my question still has yet to be answered. What has your current administration done for the major contributors of the local, the part time members were never mentioned in your response, or do they count?


Active Member
One more thing I forgot to respond to red705.
Your whole administration that you support needs to take more pay cuts as you mentioned not long ago.


Way to speak up illiana. All we need are more of us part-timers to speak up and we will be controlling this whole website also. This good ole boy club has run its course. Steve's administration is done. All these stewards who are supposed to work for the members but feel more like they work for Steve. Most are appointed by suspect means anyway. They don't pay union dues and may be getting something on the back end. The BA's who come in are useless. Pass this website to more part-timers. Let's give these guys a piece of our mind. Too long has this unequal treatment gone on. Fight the good fight illiana.
Way to speak up illiana. All we need are more of us part-timers to speak up and we will be controlling this whole website also. This good ole boy club has run its course. Steve's administration is done. All these stewards who are supposed to work for the members but feel more like they work for Steve. Most are appointed by suspect means anyway. They don't pay union dues and may be getting something on the back end. The BA's who come in are useless. Pass this website to more part-timers. Let's give these guys a piece of our mind. Too long has this unequal treatment gone on. Fight the good fight illiana.

Such slanderous allegations Mikey,shame on you. If you were to control this website like the way you work you would be sleeping on the clock instead of posting Mikey. Which is more comfortable to sleep in? The seat of your rig or the upstairs bench in the shifter cafe? You do know they have video of you and as soon as you lose the election they`ll bounce your ass all the way out to your pimp wagon.


Active Member
No problem cach this, thanks for your response. To the rest of you hiding supporters of the current administration I will keep my next response brief. We as a local are represented by business agents and stewards that don't know how to read or comprehend the 180 page GOOD BOOK! The teamster local 705 united parcel service agreement.
705red when you come out of hiding and answer the two questions that I have asked you explain about support of the local for all members that are in need. If you can do so yourself 705red, please explain to your current administration the difference between freight and fright, for some reason this is an ongoing problem for many of them.


Active Member
Such slanderous allegations Mikey,shame on you. If you were to control this website like the way you work you would be sleeping on the clock instead of posting Mikey. Which is more comfortable to sleep in? The seat of your rig or the upstairs bench in the shifter cafe? You do know they have video of you and as soon as you lose the election they`ll bounce your ass all the way out to your pimp wagon.


Active Member
Such slanderous allegations Mikey,shame on you. If you were to control this website like the way you work you would be sleeping on the clock instead of posting Mikey. Which is more comfortable to sleep in? The seat of your rig or the upstairs bench in the shifter cafe? You do know they have video of you and as soon as you lose the election they`ll bounce your ass all the way out to your pimp wagon.
The need of to many members of this local is at stake, it would be nice if we as members could show some integrity and concern about the longterm affect of the current administration.
The need of to many members of this local is at stake, it would be nice if we as members could show some integrity and concern about the longterm affect of the current administration.

Well if you`ve been around long enough to remember what real bad administrations are like you could see why I will speak up against any slate running for the leadership of my union that includes a self centered/time stealing leech like Mike B in its lineup. Mike and his group don`t even try to campaign to the drivers,only to part timers from in the hub who have no idea what he`s up to. Why`s that? Maybe because his fellow drivers have seen how he works,how he acts,and just generally full of shiz he is?
What`s despicable is to see him tell these PT`s the lies he`s telling them,what he`s going to do for them,etc, just to try and get the PT vote. IF he were to win that would be the last they would hear of him.