Are you inclined to think before you post? Just curious as your rants are so full of hypocrisys it isnt even funny. You are completely free to withdraw from or not participate in DRIVE. This is a completely "VOLUNTARY" contribution and the Teamsters do not force anyone to participate in it.
How many times have you asked large corporations to reduce the price of goods you purchase to reflect your unwillingness to contribute to political action committees? Or do you only object to unions making political donations?
You have no idea if "I" or anyone else on this board has served in the military, but I can assure you, all those nuts on right wing radio NEVER served our country in any capacity either. El RUshbo, the biggest poser of them all, talks like he's so experienced with the military, but when it came time for him to serve , he chose to object because he said he had a BOIL on his rectum.
The guy barely finished high school, and only made half the first semester in college as a freshman before he quit earning straight friend's. With no formal education behind him, his legions of followers grasp his every word.
You referring to cuba demonstrates this. He constantly compares life in cuba to his perception of progressive thinking. There isnt a progressive in this country who would want to see this happen, yet its the stigma rush wants you to believe, and you do.
You can hate the teamsters all you want, thats your right, you can withdraw from DRIVE and thats your choice, you can support every republican that would end collective bargaining for you and reduce your wages and benefits and thats your right as a voter.
No one can take that from you, but what we can take from you is your character.
You hate the system (collective bargaining) and all thats required to see that its protected year after year and yet, despite being one of the highest paid employees in the package industry year after year without a single giveback, you would want to see harm done to the very practice that keeps you employed.
There is a big difference between you being a collective bargaining unit and a "AT WILL" employee.
As a bargaining unit member, there are rules in place to protect you and your employment.
As an "AT WILL" employee, you would, could and will be fired for any reason the company could cook up. There are no protections for "AT WILL" employees.
Your union dues percentage that goes to political actions provides you with the best protection in the world. It may not mean anything to you now, but if you ever needed the union to protect you, you would thank god everyday for every dollar you contributed over the years.
Large corporations prey on the "AT WILL" employees. Its a part of todays business model. Keep employees on the books for 90 days, then turn them over and start fresh with new bodies. This way, no permanent employees are created, which means no benefits, no holiday pay, no vacation pay, no medical benefits earned and no raises in pay.
I am sure you would gladly trade in your collective bargaining agreement to work under the guidelines of an "AT WILL" employee.
I am sure UPS would keep you and continue to spend the dollars it spends now on an employee they could fire simply because they didnt like the way your hair looked.
Right wing radio has done a great job of attacking unions for 10 straight months now. You are a classic example of a AM RADIO victim.