Except that each of the Republican candidates beat Hillary head to head in the majority of polls.
The FBI investigation on Hillary has nothing to do with Fox. She is under legitimate criminal charges. She should be in prison.
Hispanics don't like Cubans? Cubans are Hispanic.
Bernie will be around longer than you are predicting. He has all the enthusiasm and small donors behind him. Nobody likes Hillary except for woman over 65.
Maybe you dont understand the delegate count system.
Bernie is effectively finished. Super tuesday is coming, and BERNIE will not win one single state there. Hillary will get all she needs and the run for the nomination is over.
Yes, bernie has a great money making machine, and he draws huge crowds, but so far, that hasnt generated any votes or he'd be leading in the delegate count.
Here is something to read. I know its tough learning something new other than what you are told, but give this a try.