

Strength through joy
Neighbor of San Bernardino Shooter Has Been Arrested, Official Says
The nature of the arrest and the charges that he faces were not immediately know .


Well-Known Member
you must not be listening to the same news sources I listen to. That's all that I hear is the need to punish the rich including corporations for being successful.

how do you reconcile the evil corporation concept with the point that a corporation like UPS employs over 400 k people and donates a significant portion of their profits to charity and charitable causes. not to mention the are pushing volunteerism at a level I have never seen.

the way the us economy is going, you will be volunteering to work for UPS instead of being paid.

corporations push charity as a kind of public relations job because it improves their image. so on 1 hand, most of the charities they push are reformist like feeding a small percentage of the poor. and on the other hand, these same corporations pay their workers a starvation wage. so when i worked at UPS it was 13 or so an hour. thats a starvation wage where im from. if these corporations care so much, why do they treat their own workers like :censored2:? why do they rip off their workers on pensions? you are paid very little relative to what you produce every hour for UPS. and i would guess that corporations pay charities relatively little to what they keep for themselves.

im not saying corporations do all bad. just like the sith arent completely bad. but they do alot of bad.

which news do you listen to primarily btw? theres organizations which cover media bias like how often they put certain kinds of people on, what they most frequently say and what they dont say. cant remember precisely what their names were. noam chomsky is very famous for his critique of the media. chris hedges was told by the new york times to stop speaking out against the war or quit, and on the other hand another journalist was allowed to support the war.|

you can also look to chris hedges and chomsky for a critique of corporate power.

if you dont want to read, theres a documentary called the corporation. it probably has a different POV than your used to.

lets say a slave holder is successful. should the successful slave master be punished for engaging in slavery?


Inordinately Right
how do you reconcile the evil corporation concept with the point that a corporation like UPS employs over 400 k people and donates a significant portion of their profits to charity and charitable causes. not to mention the are pushing volunteerism at a level I have never seen.
Typical neocon babble, UPS isn't doing anyone any favors by employing "over 400k people".
And to say they donate a "significant portion of their profits to charity", are you really that delusional? You're management material if I've ever seen it.


Well-Known Member
so if we can question the motive then we can discount the outcome of their charitable actions?
my conclusion is on one hand they want to donate their money to a certain kind of charity which maintains the status quo. and on the other hand its a PR job to improve UPS image.

so it could be worse. they could donate nothing. but it could be alot better.

to quote public enemy "dont believe the hype"


“Charity has become the instrument by which justice is denied throughout the society,” Hedges tells Bullock and host Paul Jay. “We are stripping away civil services, destroying basic programs which sustain the poorest of the poor, because charity is supposed to take it over. We’re watching large corporations, which are predatory, justify themselves through acts of charity or philanthropy. And these corporations at their heart are disemboweling the country, are creating untold misery for the vulnerable, not only domestically, but globally. And so charity becomes something that is kind of unrelenting as a kind of ideology, because it’s a mask for the denial of justice and for the justification of predatory capitalism.”


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
my conclusion is on one hand they want to donate their money to a certain kind of charity which maintains the status quo. and on the other hand its a PR job to improve UPS image.

so it could be worse. they could donate nothing. but it could be alot better.

to quote public enemy "dont believe the hype"


“Charity has become the instrument by which justice is denied throughout the society,” Hedges tells Bullock and host Paul Jay. “We are stripping away civil services, destroying basic programs which sustain the poorest of the poor, because charity is supposed to take it over. We’re watching large corporations, which are predatory, justify themselves through acts of charity or philanthropy. And these corporations at their heart are disemboweling the country, are creating untold misery for the vulnerable, not only domestically, but globally. And so charity becomes something that is kind of unrelenting as a kind of ideology, because it’s a mask for the denial of justice and for the justification of predatory capitalism.”

so if we can question the motive then we can discount the outcome of their charitable actions?


nowhere special
On December 19th, during a Dem debate, Hillary claimed that ISIS was already using Trump in recruitment videos. But no terror group used Trump in a video before today, when he turned up in a video not by ISIS but from an al Qaeda-affiliated group. The irony is that by mentioning the use of Trump in terrorist recruitment videos, Hillary might actually have encouraged Islamic terrorist groups to do so. These groups are very media-savvy. And after Hillary's statement, what better way to ensure massive media coverage of a recruitment video than to stick Trump in it? Thanks for the idea, Hillary!



Well-Known Member
"...Terror, intimidation and violence are the glue that holds empire together. Aerial bombardment, drone and missile attacks, artillery and mortar strikes, targeted assassinations, massacres, the detention of tens of thousands, death squad killings, torture, wholesale surveillance, extraordinary renditions, curfews, propaganda, a loss of civil liberties and pliant political puppets are the grist of our wars and proxy wars.

...It’s basically a refusal on the part of American society to enforce the murder laws when the killings are done by presidents or generals, and where the victims are foreigners,” he said. “Now, all big powers do this. But in the recent period, because the U.S. has been the dominant power, the U.S. has the biggest death toll. If you added all the operations up it would go into the several millions. Just to list the ones that I’ve personally seen and tried to expose and fight against: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, South Africa, Palestine, East Timor, Indonesia, southern Thailand. I’m sure I’m leaving out a few. The U.S. has used the Pentagon, the CIA, occasionally the State Department to set up or back local forces, help them gather intelligence on dissidents, and help them provide the means to carry out systematic assassinations.”"


it goes on to describe the creation of ISIS:

"U.S. commanders in Iraq, attempting to quell the Sunni insurgency in 2004, reached back to the terror tactics used in El Salvador. They formulated a plan called “The Salvador Option” to train and arm Shiite paramilitary units. Former U.S. Army Col. James Steele, who in the 1980s in El Salvador headed the U.S. Military Group or MilGroup, which advised the Salvadoran army during the war, was sent to Iraq by Donald Rumsfeld as a civilian adviser. Steele, who had fought in Vietnam, was assigned to the Iraqi paramilitary Special Police Commandos, a unit known as the “Wolf Brigade.”

U.N. officials, and an investigative team from The Guardian newspaper, later accused these Shiite paramilitary units of widespread death-squad killings and running a network of clandestine detention centers that carried out torture while under Steele’s supervision. The Shiite paramilitary units, which were given money from a $2 billion fund controlled directly by Gen. David Petraeus, terrorized and enraged the Sunni population. The abuse, torture, assassinations and network of clandestine prisons fueled Iraq’s sectarian civil war and led to the creation of radical Sunni groups such as Islamic State."

the ending is especially interesting because he touches on why america hasnt endured more domestic terrorism itself; considering its been ruining /blowing up other countries alot since at least world war II.
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Well-Known Member
On December 19th, during a Dem debate, Hillary claimed that ISIS was already using Trump in recruitment videos. But no terror group used Trump in a video before today, when he turned up in a video not by ISIS but from an al Qaeda-affiliated group. The irony is that by mentioning the use of Trump in terrorist recruitment videos, Hillary might actually have encouraged Islamic terrorist groups to do so. These groups are very media-savvy. And after Hillary's statement, what better way to ensure massive media coverage of a recruitment video than to stick Trump in it? Thanks for the idea, Hillary!


I dare say , Ms. Hillary made a star of the Donald in the ISIS studios


Well-Known Member
"...Terror, intimidation and violence are the glue that holds empire together. Aerial bombardment, drone and missile attacks, artillery and mortar strikes, targeted assassinations, massacres, the detention of tens of thousands, death squad killings, torture, wholesale surveillance, extraordinary renditions, curfews, propaganda, a loss of civil liberties and pliant political puppets are the grist of our wars and proxy wars.

...It’s basically a refusal on the part of American society to enforce the murder laws when the killings are done by presidents or generals, and where the victims are foreigners,” he said. “Now, all big powers do this. But in the recent period, because the U.S. has been the dominant power, the U.S. has the biggest death toll. If you added all the operations up it would go into the several millions. Just to list the ones that I’ve personally seen and tried to expose and fight against: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, South Africa, Palestine, East Timor, Indonesia, southern Thailand. I’m sure I’m leaving out a few. The U.S. has used the Pentagon, the CIA, occasionally the State Department to set up or back local forces, help them gather intelligence on dissidents, and help them provide the means to carry out systematic assassinations.”"


it goes on to describe the creation of ISIS:

"U.S. commanders in Iraq, attempting to quell the Sunni insurgency in 2004, reached back to the terror tactics used in El Salvador. They formulated a plan called “The Salvador Option” to train and arm Shiite paramilitary units. Former U.S. Army Col. James Steele, who in the 1980s in El Salvador headed the U.S. Military Group or MilGroup, which advised the Salvadoran army during the war, was sent to Iraq by Donald Rumsfeld as a civilian adviser. Steele, who had fought in Vietnam, was assigned to the Iraqi paramilitary Special Police Commandos, a unit known as the “Wolf Brigade.”

U.N. officials, and an investigative team from The Guardian newspaper, later accused these Shiite paramilitary units of widespread death-squad killings and running a network of clandestine detention centers that carried out torture while under Steele’s supervision. The Shiite paramilitary units, which were given money from a $2 billion fund controlled directly by Gen. David Petraeus, terrorized and enraged the Sunni population. The abuse, torture, assassinations and network of clandestine prisons fueled Iraq’s sectarian civil war and led to the creation of radical Sunni groups such as Islamic State."

the ending is especially interesting because he touches on why america hasnt endured more domestic terrorism itself; considering its been ruining /blowing up other countries alot since at least world war II.

There are bad people on both sides in the middle east.