Police are investigating a potential planned “disruption” to the 2021 Boston Marathon in protest of the event coinciding with Indigenous Peoples Day, according to a law enforcement advisory.
BOSTON — Police are investigating a potential planned “disruption” to the 2021 Boston Marathon in protest of the event coinciding with Indigenous Peoples Day, according to a law enforcement advisory.
“We have received uncorroborated intelligence indicating that people may attempt to disrupt the 2021 Boston Marathon with nonviolent direct action in support of Indigenous Peoples’ concerns,” the Joint Situational Awareness Bulletin reads. “The 2021 Boston Marathon is being held on Indigenous Peoples’ day ( Columbus Day ) and some believe that marathon organizers have not taken enough steps to recognize the holiday or indigenous communities.”
The advisory, issued Friday by Boston Police Department’s Boston Regional Intelligence Center and Mass. State Police Department’s Commonwealth Fusion Center, states that the protest would likely involve the “sleeping dragon” tactic on the marathon course.
“This tactic typically consists of a group of individuals chained and/or handcuffed together through a length of pipe, which prevents law enforcement from simply using bolt cutters to break the chains,” the bulletin reads. “There are numerous variations including covering the pipe with difficult to cut materials and/or putting the PVC pipe through a barrel filled with concrete so that authorities must break the concrete before cutting the pipe.”