I don't think you have the intelligence much less the authority to say what islam is.
I don't think you have a

ing clue.
What's wrong, don't you like the light of day shed upon that cult that follows Lucifer call Islam.
Think about it.
If Lucifer had a religion, what would he preach?
1. His religion is the only true religion, all the followers of other religions should be killed.
2. Lying, cheating and stealing from those infidels is approved.
3. Women are property.
4. Lucifer's religion should rule the whole world by any means necessary.
5. Have as many children with as many wives as possible to create future soldiers of Lucifer.
Sounds like Islam to me.
Go ahead and put your mark of approval DIDO.
That would be one of the many, many RED X's that you give me.