

Inordinately Right
No, not at all. This forum is here for such discussions. But if the implication was that there are Christian terrorist organizations out there doing the same as the Islamic ones then I was just curious who they were
I never mentioned Christians. I was talking about God's chosen people. Christians don't have a monopoly on all the books of the bible.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

governments i would guess are always the biggest terrorist organizations in teh world. when you have the money for the weapons like governments do, and can kill anyone around the globe because you are opposed to their politics, what do you call that? its state terrorism.

but our governments tell us that we are "spreading democracy and freedom" when we use our weapons to kill large numbers of people, but when people do it outside our country they are terrorists.

whatever i do is right, whatever you do is wrong. its hypocrisy.


nowhere special

governments i would guess are always the biggest terrorist organizations in teh world. when you have the money for the weapons like governments do, and can kill anyone around the globe because you are opposed to their politics, what do you call that? its state terrorism.

but our governments tell us that we are "spreading democracy and freedom" when we use our weapons to kill large numbers of people, but when people do it outside our country they are terrorists.

whatever i do is right, whatever you do is wrong. its hypocrisy.

Why don't you go join ISIS to fight terrorism then?


Well-Known Member
Why don't you go join ISIS to fight terrorism then?

why dont you join the US government and fight terrorism with terrorism? you probably already have.

i mean what do you call america blowing up vietnam because they were opposed to communism? thats a terrorist act on behalf of the US government.


nowhere special
why dont you join the US government and fight terrorism with terrorism? you probably already have.

i mean what do you call america blowing up vietnam because they were opposed to communism? thats a terrorist act on behalf of the US government.

Answering a question with questions? You are just attempting to evade after spouting nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Answering a question with questions? You are just attempting to evade after spouting nonsense.
well thats all we ever get with you. where do u think i learned it from?

whenever a developed country has terrorism we have to ask our government what countries have you invaded or meddled with. how many lives have we ruined abroad?

lets follow the founding fathers adivce: NO FORGIEN ENTANGLEMENTS!


nowhere special
well thats all we ever get with you. where do u think i learned it from?

whenever a developed country has terrorism we have to ask our government what countries have you invaded or meddled with. how many lives have we ruined abroad?

lets follow the founding fathers adivce: NO FORGIEN ENTANGLEMENTS!

Did the Canadian founding fathers say that?


golden ticket member
why dont you join the US government and fight terrorism with terrorism? you probably already have.

i mean what do you call america blowing up vietnam because they were opposed to communism? thats a terrorist act on behalf of the US government.
I'm glad you are Canadian!!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you are Canadian!!
i thought you guys were conservatives???

why is it so hard to criticize your government when it comes to US government terrorism. u hate the government, hate the government, but when it comes to criticizing it for its military you cant be bothered LOL

if you had a forgien person using drones from abroad blowing up US cities because they are opposed to ur politics, would you not call that terrorism?