

Well-Known Member
In the USA we love freedom and choice. We defend freedom and bomb the hell out of evil people who threaten or support evil ideology.
war is peace.
freedom is slavery.

yes, you are free to choose between 2 political parties, but have 30 different kinds of toothpaste.

so after your done bombing other people, do you ask them "dont you feel liberated now?"
and they ask to be liberated with their bombs. you wouldnt just go in there now would you?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Its unfortunate that those who behead people hide like the bitches they are among women and children. If the good people would just rat out the trouble makers, you could simply arrest them.


Well-Known Member
Its unfortunate that those who behead people hide like the bitches they are among women and children. If the good people would just rat out the trouble makers, you could simply arrest them.
You sound like this guy:

Man Who Found 'ISIS Hunter' Shirt Unable to Find Recruiting Station



Nine Lives
Its unfortunate that those who behead people hide like the bitches they are among women and children. If the good people would just rat out the trouble makers, you could simply arrest kill them.
fixed it for you
I don't think the US or Iraqi military are taking prisoners anymore.
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Well-Known Member
this is one of my favorite threads because the US government kills / injures millions of people around the world which is terrorism, and because of the hysteria about terrorism


Mishra writes, “Malignant zealots have emerged in the very heart of the democratic West after a decade of political and economic tumult; the simple explanatory paradigm set in stone soon after the attacks of 9/11—Islam-inspired terrorism versus modernity—lies in ruins.” The United States, aside from suffering periodic mass killings in schools, malls and movie theaters, has seen homegrown terrorists strike the Boston Marathon, a South Carolina church, Tennessee military facilities, a Texas Army base and elsewhere.

“The modern West can no longer be distinguished from its apparent enemies,” Mishra notes. The hagiography of the U.S. Navy sniper Chris Kyle—who had a tattoo of a red Crusader cross and called the Iraq War a battle against “savage, desperate evil”—in Clint Eastwood’s movie “American Sniper” celebrates the binary worldview adopted by jihadists who deify their suicide bombers.

“The xenophobic frenzy unleashed by Clint Eastwood’s film of Kyle’s book suggested the most vehement partisans of holy war flourish not only in the ravaged landscape of South and West Asia,” Mishra writes. “Such fanatics, who can be atheists as well as crusaders and jihadists, also lurk among America’s best and brightest, emboldened by an endless support of money, arms, and even ‘ideas’ supplied by terrorism experts and clash-of-civilization theorists.” - chris hedges


Nine Lives
i hate cnn
It's changed over the last decade.
It use to be a news organization but I assume due to the success of Fox in generating advertisement revenue, they had to change to stay in business.
I do wish that CNN, Fox, MSNBC and the other pundit networks would drop the news part of their title.


Well-Known Member
"Hate crimes against Muslims in Canada up 60%, StatsCan reports
Group says Conservative rhetoric during 2015 election campaign helped fuel increase in incidents"

Anti-Muslim crimes in Canada up 60%, StatsCan reports

of course, ISIS attacks in EU is to blame. im against ISIS and US government attacking civilians which they are both amazing at. and of course the US government has killed way more civilians than ISIS.


Well-Known Member
saw some headline on my facebook (extremely questionable source) that they killed the ISIS leader.

wow, i feel so safe now, and im guessing theres no need for the american government or russia government to drop bombs anywhere anymore. ;)


Well-Known Member
In this case, @DriveInDriveOut is exactly correct. Unless you are being held slave in the USA, you are free to leave.
i still feel like a slave in my country even though im sure the government would love for me to give up my citizenship so they dont have to provide healthcare or pension

im under the impression its hard to move to another developed country if you dont have one of those special skills