Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
Do you really want to turn schools into prisons with concrete walls and iron gates? At the same time they are using 20 year old textbooks because homeowners want their taxes cut.
Absolutely do not want to turn schools into prisons I agree with you. Arming some teachers is a great option and would definitely help the situation. And they’re using 20-year-old school books not because there’s not enough taxes but because they spend the money inappropriately all the time, taxes go up every year almost to the point where homeowners can no longer afford them. My home will be paid off in less than two years and I will still have $600 a month worth of taxes and insurance to pay for the rest of my life and it will go up every year because of taxes. I can assure you it will never go down.


Well-Known Member
376 cops cowered and you expect a resource officer on site would have taken brave and decisive actions to stop the shooter?

The resource officer on site at Parkland also ran and hid.
the doors were unlocked. the assigned police officer was somewhere else.
yes locked doors with an armed police officer inside would have clearly prevented this shooting.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely do not want to turn schools into prisons I agree with you. Arming some teachers is a great option and would definitely help the situation. And they’re using 20-year-old school books not because there’s not enough taxes but because they spend the money inappropriately all the time, taxes go up every year almost to the point where homeowners can no longer afford them. My home will be paid off in less than two years and I will still have $600 a month worth of taxes and insurance to pay for the rest of my life and it will go up every year because of taxes. I can assure you it will never go down.
My district has had 4 tax increases in 12 years. 1 was for a new grade school to cover expansion. 1 was to expand the existing middle and high schools. The last one was just for hardening. Now the schools have 8 foot fences and all the other things I talked about. The front doors weigh a ton because it's all the same thickness bullet proof glass used at FBI buildings.


Well-Known Member
8 foot fences, mantrap double entrances, bullet/bomb proof glass and multiple resource officers at every school aren't cheap. They want school hardening but don't want to pay for it.
We've sent about 100 billion dollars to the Ukraine to protect their citizens. did i mention a trillion dollar infrastructure bill with a small percentage actually spent on infrastructure?


Well-Known Member
We've sent about 100 billion dollars to the Ukraine to protect their citizens. did i mention a trillion dollar infrastructure bill with a small percentage actually spent on infrastructure?
We just expanded the military budget to get $13 billion more to the Navy for ships they didn't even ask for.


Well-Known Member
We just expanded the military budget to get $13 billion more to the Navy for ships they didn't even ask for.
13 billion dollars is pocket change compared to what this government is spending these days but to your point we do manage to generate spending we really dont have for items we may not need or need at this time.


Inordinately Right
8 foot fences, mantrap double entrances, bullet/bomb proof glass and multiple resource officers at every school aren't cheap. They want school hardening but don't want to pay for it.

I proposed paying for all that with expanded fees for guns and ammo as well as liability insurance. But that infringed on Second Amendment rights.
Or they could just lock the door.
Drama queen.


nowhere special
Or they could just lock the door.
Drama queen.
The school was getting alerts almost on a daily basis so started to mostly ignore them.

The House Committee report also cited as problematic the daily “bailout activity” in the area over the past 18 months, where illegal immigrants who are involved in high-speed chases with police abandon their vehicles and scatter into the community:

Uvalde CISD Director of Student Services Kenneth Mueller testified that since February 2021, high-speed chases have been a daily event in the Uvalde area, causing Uvalde CISD schools to be secured or locked down frequently, with “secure” or “lockdown” events happening since late February 2022, and approximately 90% of those being attributed to bailouts. Uvalde CISD parents became so concerned about the number of bailouts occurring near the elementary-school campuses that they offered to hire off-duty police to supplement the Uvalde CISD police presence.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Children in a public school classroom.

Their safety is their own?

An elementary school classroom shouldn’t be expected to be a safe place from gun violence at least?

I know it isn’t anymore, but shouldn’t it be?
Generally speaking they are safe as you can see safety is an illusion and you have to plan and prepare accordingly. If you do not then many more people get hurt than necessary.
It’s no different than the shooter at the mall this week The young man with a pistol who killed him saved dozens of people. Shouldn’t a mall be a safe place? Sometimes naïveté causes people to die unnecessarily.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Absolutely do not want to turn schools into prisons I agree with you. Arming some teachers is a great option and would definitely help the situation. And they’re using 20-year-old school books not because there’s not enough taxes but because they spend the money inappropriately all the time, taxes go up every year almost to the point where homeowners can no longer afford them. My home will be paid off in less than two years and I will still have $600 a month worth of taxes and insurance to pay for the rest of my life and it will go up every year because of taxes. I can assure you it will never go down.
Teachers salary take up 90% of the school budget in my state.