Why aren't you railing against Trudeau and his autocratic ways?why arent u more critical of power
Why aren't you railing against Trudeau and his autocratic ways?why arent u more critical of power
Ok.You’re a caricature
?Go light a candle, Quad
There’s a surprise.
i do i support protests including right wingers to some degree and ive been donating and doing youtubeWhy aren't you railing against Trudeau and his autocratic ways?
I forgive you, it's not your fault, God dealt you half a deck and you're sitting a slot machine sticking your finger in your butt.I can’t help you here. Sorry.
The bells are ringing?Got to go. Later friends.
Start at homeevil in in all of us even u
our job to keep it in check
evil in in all of us even u
lets do itLove is the answer.
lets do it
Start at home
it doesnt matter what americans want
Polling shows the majority of democraps are not only against the second amendment, they are also against the first. Because at heart, democraps are fascists.
ppl have the right to bear nukes, grenade launcher, and lazers to defend themselves against their govtPolling shows the majority of democraps are not only against the second amendment, they are also against the first. Because at heart, democraps are fascists.