Thank You DIDO


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
@DriveInDriѵeOut Very likely there are laws in your state that set the minimum age a girl must be to marry. Plus other requirements. None to my knowledge say if a 14 yr old girl wants to marry it must be to a boy her own age. It was routine in the U.S. decades ago for girls to drop out of high school and marry young men in their late teens to early 20's. As a matter of fact they were considered minors until 21 back then.

You can point at me and sneer all you like. All you're doing is showing your ignorance.

And as far as the Philippines go you'd have young women, who live in a country with a 70% poverty rate, refuse to consider marrying a much older man. Which they not only do with "rich" foreigners but with older Filipino men too who can take care of them. Different culture. But you want to impose your views on them. You should stick to pleasing Vlad.


Well-Known Member
Pedophilia thread:

i dont see whats wrong with the first post

better to date a woman locally who is eligible to move to europe.


Well-Known Member
dude if you go for someone in their teens, theyre gonna be ugly.
Who is saying do that? I'm just saying it happens. My dad was 19 when he married my mother who was 15. She however told him she was 18. Didn't tell him her true age until 6 months after they were married. I've seen pictures of her at 16. She looked older.


Well-Known Member
Who is saying do that? I'm just saying it happens. My dad was 19 when he married my mother who was 15. She however told him she was 18. Didn't tell him her true age until 6 months after they were married. I've seen pictures of her at 16. She looked older.
of course it happens.

so whats the big deal

i dont think teens should get married

im in favor of teens having sex with each other. there should be lots of incentives for safe sex.