Did you score 4 touchdowns in a single game Al?Before you try to imagine me as some bleeding heart liberal..I am a 6’2 200 pd white man that was All-state football. That want to be bully would get punched in the face
For somebody who loses money he sure has A LOT of it . I'll be happy to lose money if I can have a bank account and real estate like he's got !!!I don’t blame the tax code..he loses money and claims to be business genius..that is the reality he doesn’t want anyone to know
I remember my older brother telling me his had died on him. He said his mojo done left the building. He was really sad. I'm not ready to be sad yet.Let it rest in peace man for the love of all that is holy.
Kinda small to be an All-state football player . Kicker????A dumb pretend to be rich racist.
Am I the only one that thinks that reasonable people can have legit disagreements about taxes..law enforcement policy..abortion..Covid policy..? All of these things can result in different opinions.
But that man and his behavior is unbelievable. If you think that is normal behavior or makes you somehow strong..I can’t even relate to you.
Before you try to imagine me as some bleeding heart liberal..I am a 6’2 200 pd white man that was All-state football. That want to be bully would get punched in the face
A friend of mine who owned a VERY profitable beer distributorship told me the largest salary he ever drew from the company was $17,000 a year. On that he he drove a top of the line Escalade furnished by his company and lived in a million dollar house on a lake that was in his kids name. His kid by the way got into an bad accident at work so his dad filed a work comp case against his own company. To this day it is still the largest comp settlement ever paid in Mn. His dad had his kid move into the house and while there had every room remodeled into being handicap accessible--including having a regular elevator installed. All the side walks were widened to 4 feet also. Once all the handicap work was done on the house his dad moved the kid into his own handicapped accessible apartment in town. ALL this was part of the settlement. The rich get richer.For somebody who loses money he sure has A LOT of it . I'll be happy to lose money if I can have a bank account and real estate like he's got !!!
Not exactly Scientific but a sampling of the audience of C-SPAN.
My guess is most C-SPAN viewers are Conservative.
Before you try to imagine me as some bleeding heart liberal..I am a 6’2 200 pd white man that was All-state football. That want to be bully would get punched in the face
Not a rebuttal but info for those that don't have time to check it out. I try to be objective.yea I expected that rebuttal from one of the lefties here but not youNext Poll
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Yes , and nobody is even talking about the telemundo stations Hispanic poll results are about the same Trump 65 % Biden 33% That is huge !!! I've been saying this for a couple of years , Democrats want to let Latino people come here illegally but what they don't realize is that Hispanics are mostly Conservatives by nature !!!!Not a rebuttal but info for those that don't have time to check it out. I try to be objective.
I hate going on Twitter so I was driven by understanding.
That guy on the left in this post is a left-wing pundit so this convinces me more that Trump won the debate than your C-SPAN results.
I watched the debate and I was laughing too hard to tell who was winning.
View attachment 311638
Older generation born south of the border, maybe. Not even close for the young, born north of the border.Yes , and nobody is even talking about the telemundo stations Hispanic poll results are about the same Trump 65 % Biden 33% That is huge !!! I've been saying this for a couple of years , Democrats want to let Latino people come here illegally but what they don't realize is that Hispanics are mostly Conservatives by nature !!!!
Even young ones are very driven to open small businesses and also freedom is everything to them which is the reason they want to be here !!!Older generation born south of the border, maybe. Not even close for the young, born north of the border.
Sorry bruh, the young Latinos are very much progressives.Even young ones are very driven to open small businesses and also freedom is everything to them which is the reason they want to be here !!!
Wow a debate moderator asking questions what a fiend that Chris Wallace is. And he asked a question he asked before, The corruption of asking a politician the same question in a debate. Why no politician in the history of America has ever been asked the same question by a debate moderator 4 years apart. Look at how unfair the world is to trump. This is the argument trump fans are going with because trump’s debate performance was horrible and insane. trump fans are delusional. Truly delusional. Like can’t they just say hey trump has to do better and move on? Nope instead they invent that Chris Wallace was unfair to trump and favored Biden. Just delusional
Those polls are bad polls because they are non scientific.