Why not? Canada almost broke up but narrowly survived Quebec's vote whether to secede. You seem unaware that Democrats completely controlled Congress for 40 years. They lost control because they started pushing for things large numbers of Americans disagreed with. Now you're saying it's unfair that your side isn't in control. Get control by getting out the vote. If your policies don't motivate enough people to vote for your party that's on you. And pay attention to what's going on. There are enough Democrats moving into Texas to seriously change that state's voting patterns soon. A Republican winning the presidency already has to overcome the electoral votes of California, New York, and Illinois. Throw in Texas and Republicans may never win. You say it's unfair that the majority doesn't control policy. Presidential elections come down to a handful of swing states. Convince those people that your policies are better. Trump won in states that had voted Democratic for decades. But enough of their voters felt they weren't being well served by their own party so they gave Trump a chance. Elections have consequences. If you only want one party rule are you going to throw out the Constitution? Elections? And please don't come back at me with Republicans don't believe this or that, blah blah blah. That's intellectually lazy. Instead of always attacking Republicans you need to examine what works to get votes. Bill Clinton did. Most people don't want extremes. Somewhere in the middle wins elections.
You are completely misunderstanding my posts. I said nothing about it being unfair if Democrats aren't in charge. My post said as American voters do we agree that all our votes should count equally in determining who has political power. I also said as American voters can we agree that whomever the majority of American voters support they should wield the majority of the political power.
For example should a political party in a state be able to shield itself from the will of the majority of voters? For example there is a US state that in 2018 had 99 state assembly seats up. And one party in that election received 52.99% of the total votes, yet those voters only elected 36 state assembly seats, the other party received 44% of the total votes and those voters elected 63 state assembly seats. To me no matter the party, no matter the state, the will of 53% of the voters should trump the will of 44% of voters in deciding who has political power in that state. Such a result is anti American voters.
As far as the idea of America breaking up, it just doesn't make sense. The nation is far less divided than its really ever been in many ways. And there is no way right now a state or a collection of states can vote themselves out of the united states and that not cause an armed conflict.