The 2020 Presidential Debates


Well-Known Member
During Trumps 2016 presidential campaign he promised to sue his sexual assault accusers! His base bought this lie then, and continue to today! Hit him Joe!

his base dont care about his bitches. Just like your side dont care that biden gropes children .

lower my taxes done.
build a wall done
appoint lots of supreme court judges done.
build a record economy done
do it again - being done


Well-Known Member
That debate had all of the dignity of a WWE match. trump completely embarrassed himself and the country in front of the whole world. Then listening to Don Jr trying to spin the debate, he sounded like some meth head.

I'm sure Biden calling trump about 5 different names will score well


Well-Known Member
Trump would not shut up long enough for Biden to screw up.

there were times in the debate when Biden spoke for 2 minutes and then got a rebuttal to trumps interruption and that was all that trump was allowed.

Wallace was less diligent about letting Trump rebut bidens comments. that creates interruptions unless you're looking to get Mitt Romneyed in this debate.


Well-Known Member
he controlled the narrative and exposed Joes lack of temperament
Temperament?? Do you know what that word means? I remember when they ridiculed Gore for sighing during a debate with Bush. Sighing!

The fact that our country has come to this is embarrassing. The idiots that put that clown and his “temperament” In office are to blame.

Honestly would you be proud to have had your children watching that with you?


Well-Known Member
I am sure trump attacking Biden's son who served in Iraq will score a lot of points with military families. But of course what does trump care about military families? They are all losers and suckers.

He didnt attack Bo. Biden tried to get his rehearsed line about Bo into the debate to score some sympathy points and made the mistake of not saying BO's name. So Trump said are you talking about Hunter? and then went on to remind Joe what a crook hunter was with Joe's help.


Inordinately Right
I think trumps performance should have scared the hell out of the American voters


Well-Known Member
Temperament?? Do you know what that word means? I remember when they ridiculed Gore for sighing during a debate with Bush. Sighing!

The fact that our country has come to this is embarrassing. The idiots that put that clown and his “temperament” In office are to blame.

Honestly would you be proud to have had your children watching that with you?

you should have thought of that when your side created the resistance and the fake russian collusion narrative. Politics is definitely a blood sport now. Dont cry outrage when your guy has been throwing the insults with the best of them