The 2020 Presidential Debates

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
But the strategy worked in 2016 and it’s probably going to work again this year. So getting away from it in the future May be hard.
Trump is 5 points behind where he was in 2016. He’s 7.5 points behind nationally. This strategy is not working by any measurable metric. He might squeak out a win in the EC but the nation dislikes him.


Staff member
Trump got Biden good on the police thing.. "Name one organization that supports you...Just one.....Go on, we have time"
Biden was a deer in the headlights!


Well-Known Member
Does objective reality upset you? It’s just data. Trump is losing.

I know you want to believe. Its good to have faith in things you believe in. I dont trust any polls even ones that are in my favor because of how they are done. THey ask a few thousand ppl and then use mathematics to generate "a picture". But I have still never been polled about anything to this day...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I know you want to believe. Its good to have faith in things you believe in. I dont trust any polls even ones that are in my favor because of how they are done. THey ask a few thousand ppl and then use mathematics to generate "a picture". But I have still never been polled about anything to this day...
Math is hard for some people. I look down on those people.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So let me say, Joe Biden didnt bomb as badly as I was hoping for. Then again, he is a career politician so this isnt a new ring for him. The interruptions do annoy me. There was even one point where Trump interrupted Biden just as he was about to stumble and in a way kind of saved him some embarrassment. :/ Ive always been a fan of giving your opponent all the rope they need to hang themselves.

The fact of the matter is, the election is going to be illegitimate either way no matter how well either one does. Thats what upsets me. Our election integrity is at third world levels.