The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Legio patria nostra


Well-Known Member
Maybe. If we see him blasting off some rounds we know he's in.
Go ahead and put him out there and see how it goes.

The advantage is he doesn't have baggage on the national scale the way other GOP candidates do. (I'm looking at you Chris Christie). I think of thing is we're all fatigued by the constant exposure/campaign cycle. My bet is that both the Republican and Democrat candidates in 2028 will be governors that haven't been big on the national scale. Not Newsome, not Desantis, not Abbott.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
daily reminder cornel west is running.
Because nobody cares.
the matrix has you

I don't know how Cornel West has anything to do with The Matrix unless he's trans.

The Matrix - Wikipedia

"Years after the release of The Matrix, both the Wachowskis came out as transgender women, and some viewers have seen transgender themes in the film before it was officially confirmed.[176] The red pill has been compared with red estrogen pills.[177] Morpheus's description of the Matrix creating a sense that something is fundamentally wrong, "like a splinter in your mind", has been compared to gender dysphoria.[177] In the original script, Switch was a woman in the Matrix and a man in the real world, but this idea was ultimately dropped.[178]

In a 2016 GLAAD Media Awards speech, Lilly Wachowski said: "There's a critical eye being cast back on Lana and I's (sic) work through the lens of our transness. This is a cool thing because it's an excellent reminder that art is never static."[179] She spoke in 2020 about the film as an allegory for transgender identity, and compromises they had to make at the time.[180] In an interview with Variety, Reeves said he did not know the film was an allegory for transgender identity during production.[181]"


Well-Known Member
I don't know how Cornel West has anything to do with The Matrix unless he's trans.

The Matrix - Wikipedia

"Years after the release of The Matrix, both the Wachowskis came out as transgender women, and some viewers have seen transgender themes in the film before it was officially confirmed.[176] The red pill has been compared with red estrogen pills.[177] Morpheus's description of the Matrix creating a sense that something is fundamentally wrong, "like a splinter in your mind", has been compared to gender dysphoria.[177] In the original script, Switch was a woman in the Matrix and a man in the real world, but this idea was ultimately dropped.[178]

In a 2016 GLAAD Media Awards speech, Lilly Wachowski said: "There's a critical eye being cast back on Lana and I's (sic) work through the lens of our transness. This is a cool thing because it's an excellent reminder that art is never static."[179] She spoke in 2020 about the film as an allegory for transgender identity, and compromises they had to make at the time.[180] In an interview with Variety, Reeves said he did not know the film was an allegory for transgender identity during production.[181]"
joe biden is in the matrix, trump is in, bush was in, obama was in....whats wrong with you people?

vote cornel west and just stop it!