Leftovers….Think microwave reheating. Ripe for recycling. Or weak

version… Fox entertainment news watchers.
I recently saw an old Sherlock Holmes TV series (1950's)...In the first episode it mentioned the Brits being involved in an Afghan War at the end of the 19th century. That part of the region is a basic HELLHOLE, tribal to the core. Trump was right about getting out of it from the beginning, what Biden did with the withdraw was ludicrous. Fact is that after the 2020 election every despot in the World knew that there was blood in the water, hence you had Russia given the opportunity to invade the Ukraine, you had Hamas and Iran emboldened in order to massacre the Jews and extend their nuclear capabilities. We have been in a War with the Muslim nations since the Crusades, the two state solution is now a pipe dream. Israel has it right, go in there with everything they have and eliminate the problem once for all. All this goes back to the clown show in the Obama administration, being a good orator does not automatically qualify you for the POTUS...Race became a bigger issue than it should of been and we started to see the DEI problems. I still remember going to a mandatory race relations class in the early 70's while I was in the Military, that went over like a lead balloon, banging people over the head over bias and prejudice is not a solution, it only adds to the issue. Look at who is supporting Harris, catty to the core..The Dems have given up on the Harris being black, now the MAGA Trump voters are knuckle dragging women haters or deplorable. The hate shown on social media is just the tip of the iceberg, we are all being fooled, Big Money is running the show..It doesn't matter who gets into office, if it is Harris they know they have their tool, the rich will direct their investments overseas and take an advantage of the Democrat's blatant incompetence, she has no solutions. The left wing media wants a close election in order to sell more air time, that is the one of the reasons why she is sheltered. Trump is not a threat to any Democracy, actually he is the closes we will every see to an Independent, look at his future cabinet...They would easily be described as the smartest people in the room and most of them are under 50, the Dems not so much...