The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
I’m radically pro-choice. A fetus isn’t a citizen and doesn’t have rights.
So this is a fetus.


Well-Known Member
Don’t like abortions? Yeah, me either. But women are granted freedom over their own bodies in a free society.

Don’t get an abortion if you don’t like them.
Well, lucky for you most people aren’t saying you can’t have an abortion. They’re just putting some limits on it unlike you. You’re in the minority my friend.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If the emotional reactions weren't legitimate the left wouldn't have to hide behind euphemisms like "her own body" whenever they actually mean "baby."
Call them babies or fetuses, they don’t have legal rights as a citizen.

Words have meaning. Fetuses are unborn.

So, no rights for the baby until they're both officially wanted and born. Got it.

I think you know exactly what abortion is just like Bill Maher does.

Maher: Abortion Is "Kind Of" Murder, I'm Okay With That; Is That Not Your Position If You're Pro-Choice?​

April 13, 2024

"Bill Maher addressed abortion on this week's edition of 'Real Time' on HBO: "That's why I don't understand the 15-week thing or Trump's plan is to leave it to the states. You mean, so killing babies is okay in some states? I can respect the absolutist position, I really can. I scold the left when they say 'Oh, you know what, they just hate women,' people who aren't pro-choice. They don’t hate women. They just made that up. They think it’s murder. And it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean there's 8 billion people in the world. I'm sorry, we won't miss you. That's my position on that. Is that not your position if you're pro-choice? You said you're pro-choice, that's your position too."



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I know people that would like to kill their teenagers so I’m for euthanasia up till 18 yrs old. Can I get an Amen from my Dem friends?