Watch the left’s reaction to this landslide, the finger pointing will be ridiculous. Who will they cancel: Biden, Harris or the Obama(s) ? More than likely they will throw everything on Biden, easy scapegoat, blame it on the doddering senile old white guy rather than seeing what they were offering in this election. I hope Trump has the opportunity to appoint a couple of more Supreme Court justices in his last term, Vance is already the sharpest tool in the tool box, he will get 4 years of experience in the White House and more than likely be the Republican nominee in 2028. Who will be the front runner nominee for the Democrats with the next election: Money is on Gavin, maybe Shapiro that is it, the Obama era is over (Michelle) is not a viable candidate, running on race baiting is so passé.
It will be interesting to see if the liberal press and their surrogates will start stoking the fire of Hate and Division after this obvious mandate from the American Public. Should we expect another assassination attempt on Trump by some fruitcake? The fear of being called a racist uneducated Trump voter is gone, their bullying is now useless…Watched the election last night on Charlie Kirks podcast, it was glorious..his team were way ahead of the established media even Fox..that was real “Joy”…