Sent this NYT piece by Maureen Dowd to Democratic friends and family who might have trouble understanding why Trump was re-elected. The people here on BC who really need to read the whole thing probably have NYT subscriptions too.
The post mortem is a wake for woke.
November 9, 2024
"Democratic insiders thought people would vote for Kamala Harris, even if they didn’t like her, to get rid of Trump. But more people ended up voting for Trump, even though many didn’t like him, because they liked the Democratic Party less."
"One thing that makes Democrats great is that they unabashedly support groups that have suffered from inequality. But they have to begin avoiding extreme policies that alienate many Americans who would otherwise be drawn to the party.
Democrats learned the hard way in this election that mothers care both about abortion rights and having their daughters compete fairly and safely on the playing field."
"James Carville gave Kamala credit for not leaning into her gender and ethnicity. But he said the party had become enamored of “identitarianism” — a word he uses because he won’t say “woke” — radiating the repellent idea that “identity is more important than humanity.”
“We could never wash off the stench of it,” he said, calling “defund the police” “the three stupidest words in the English language.”
“It’s like when you get smoke on your clothes and you have to wash them again and again. Now people are running away from it like the devil runs away from holy water.”