The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Inordinately Right
The difference? I still believe the vaccines are a net positive and DeSatan flip flopped into conspiracy theory land. It’s a ridiculous ploy to fool the rubes who don’t understand the first thing about vaccines.
No the difference is you took a fascist position in support of people losing their jobs for making their own medical decisions, and Desantis never supported any of that totalitarian nonsense that you left wingers did.


Strength through joy

'I grew up in a tiny town in North Dakota,' he said in the clip. 'Woke was what you did at 5:00 a.m. to start the day. A place where neighbors rally around you.'
  • Burgum officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Wednesday
  • He makes 12 people now in the Republican primary race – all behind Trump
  • The tech entrepreneur and GOP governor is among the candidates with the least name recognition, but has the highest net worth behind Trump with $1.1 billion


Well-Known Member
No the difference is you took a fascist position in support of people losing their jobs for making their own medical decisions, and Desantis never supported any of that totalitarian nonsense that you left wingers did.
you current system prevents freedom of choice for jobs because people lose their healthcare when they quit


Well-Known Member
cornel west likely extremely honest so this will be opportunity for you to see an honest campaign vs the usual predetermined corruption



Engorged Member
He thought he could alter a hurricane with a Sharpie. He doesn't belong anywhere near the Oval Office.
Ask anyone who ever worked with him if he's A: Competent, or B. Qualified..Almost every single one of them says "NO" to both questions. Too bad so few of them have the balls to take him on and expose his idiocy and criminality. BTW, it took one day for him to attack Christie with a fat insult. "Mr. Perfect" strikes again.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Democrats are so desperate to distract themselves from their terrible candidate lol.
The terrible candidate who won the last election by 7,000,000 votes lol

The terrible candidate who promised and has successfully brokered bipartisan legislation lol

The terrible candidate who has been instrumental in decimating 50% of the Russian military with 5% of the US military budget lol

Next Day Error

X - Other
He might just be trying to avoid more Trumpee calls for his hanging. I’d be nervous too.
He's trying so hard to play this the way he thinks he needs to play it to sew up the nomination without alienating too many diehards and convincing the suburban swing staters that he's a good play.

I actually think he's the dark horse of this race. Just for fun I'm going to call it now... Mike Pence will be the nominee in '24.

Biden has a lot to worry about if Pence is the Republican nominee.