Understand that when they give you a Three Day "Lock In" Ride you will have the absolute best load and dispatch you will have all year.Of course right after that the load and dispatch will be right back to the usual Garbage that it is every other day of the year but your Management Team will try their very best to intimidate and scare you to uphold the numbers of the Lock In Ride. It's common knowledge that that ANY information they need to get on your performance can be gleaned from a Virtual OJS and/or your telematics records. The SOLE purpose of the ride is Harassment and Intimidation.Keep detailed notes of load fluffing,improvements,route/area changes and any pick ups that are taken away
There is nothing in the contract about "demonstrated performance" or 'Lock in Ride" Our local shot down the Lock In Ride nonsense a few years ago as an attempt to have an Agreement Outside of the Contract. DO NOT allow yourself to be harassed or intimidated. If you are working safely and by the methods you will be fine.