Well-Known Member
You tell us all about how your gonna stand up to management...... Lol! You are a troll and hide in the Internet. How do you think you have any credibility?Yeah let you tell it! We'll see what the members think when this is implemented and allowed to happen by GM the pushover!
The company rolls right over GM, he allows them to do what ever they want..
And your idiotic thoughts that the company respects the union so much that they "filled the building with suits" only tells me your a puss and also allows the company to steam roll right over you too ...
About the "advanced notice" You maroon you have a contract and they have to abide by it, so they just can't do what they want at anytime .. If GM had any balls he would not agree to any of it until all the locals sat down and discussed it because eventually what 952 does will hurt all the other locals.
Keep trying to make Gm look like the hero in this, well all know what kind of agent he is and we all know he's going to get his ass handed to him from our members in Anaheim ...

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