Is that is some kind of loaded question? Every year you talk about net assets that don't even account for the property owned by the Local. Since the net assets have gotten better what is your spin doctor BS now? Let's hear the TDU babble. I can't wait to see how you set the question up.Can Browncowboy, UPS So Cal, Laguna Brown please tell us about the financial state of Local 952?
Thank you.
Is that is some kind of loaded question? Every year you talk about net assets that don't even account for the property owned by the Local. Since the net assets have gotten better what is your spin doctor BS now? Let's hear the TDU babble. I can't wait to see how you set the question up.
You mistake property values for cash flow.Is that is some kind of loaded question? Every year you talk about net assets that don't even account for the property owned by the Local. Since the net assets have gotten better what is your spin doctor BS now? Let's hear the TDU babble. I can't wait to see how you set the question up.
You have already proven that you don't know what your talking about and corrected not only by me but many others. Still you continue to babble on.... Go back and re-read the multiple threads you have been schooled on because your not worth the time.You mistake property values for cash flow.
And 6 of the last 8 years we have had negative cash flow.
You can blame that on the economy or anything else, but 95% of the other Teamster local's didn't experience negative cash flow problems the last 8 years.
So why has local 952 experience 6 years of negative cash flow in the last 8 years when other locals didn't?
Really your gonna compare PK to EM? Ha ha ha ha!!!What were the Net Assets in 1999 after Eddie M left Local 952? How much did Local 952 owe in liens and mortgages?
Was 952 not the wealthiest local in the IBT in 2000?
Besides 952 being in negative flow for the past four years, how many mortgages and liens does PK have?
How many properties has PK purchased since taking over in 1999? The answer is zero!
Seriously you are gonna compare Eddie M to PK? Eddie M was brought up on charges you IDIOT! I guess since he is TDU you can overlook that he neglected his FIDUCIARY DUTY and brought reproach upon the IBT by establishing and implementing a practice designed to strip members who were Local employees of their right to run for Local office in return for their continued employment. He was suspended 7 years from holding a position as an officer & suspended 4 years from membership pursuant to IRB decision. Is that the kind of leadership you are looking for? By the way, would he qualify as one of you and silent bangs "far and wide" buddies? Get out of here with your TDU bullWhat were the Net Assets in 1999 after Eddie M left Local 952? How much did Local 952 owe in liens and mortgages?
Was 952 not the wealthiest local in the IBT in 2000?
Besides 952 being in negative flow for the past four years, how many mortgages and liens does PK have?
How many properties has PK purchased since taking over in 1999? The answer is zero!
Why is it that all the tdu crybabies that complain on the internet never attend union meetings and are never shop stewards.......they say they want to improve the local but never want to see the members,help the members or enforce the contractDon't forget how they BS about a bathroom that allegedly had mold and gave an agent cancer, leaky roof, Angel tickets, IBT audit, IRB audit, jail time, no high school diploma, and insinuating people are drunk when they have been clean and sober for decades.......Not one of these obvious lies ever amounted to anything except hurting Teamster organizing campaigns and dividing our Teamsters Union. These guys have no conscience and only here to try and discredit the local for a political agenda. There is a reason they hide on the Internet and avoid actively working with their Union leaders. They won't give the Local credit for anything positive, even when local made improvement on their biggest complaint on the LM-2.
You clearly are not from local 952.Why is it that all the tdu crybabies that complain on the internet never attend union meetings and are never shop stewards.......they say they want to improve the local but never want to see the members,help the members or enforce the contract
At least EM didn't leave us broke and a laughing stock amount Teamster local's when he left.Really your gonna compare PK to EM? Ha ha ha ha!!!
I base what I post on the the people I know from 952 which are you the bang and evil........and all you guys are armchair quarterbacks that hide behind the cpu with various conspiracy theory to try and hurt your local because you only care about yourself.........have you every held a local position to try and actually help members,has bag or evil......what have you guys done to help the members against the employersYou clearly are not from local 952.
Because most of the stuff you just posted is false.
So, why are you posting false information on browncafe about 952 members?
In other words, you are posting about stuff that you do not know about.I base what I post on the the people I know from 952 which are you the bang and evil........and all you guys are armchair quarterbacks that hide behind the cpu with various conspiracy theory to try and hurt your local because you only care about yourself.........have you every held a local position to try and actually help members,has bag or evil......what have you guys done to help the members against the employers
No it has nothing to do with laguna it has to do with you bag and 2014 you said the irb was going to take down the local because of angel tix and gift cards.....then you said the local was broke.....then it was about a healthcare lie.....then it was the members are all tired of pk......but pk keeps winning elections.........just answer my one question....what do you,bag and evil do to help members against employers?......Ps crying like babies and trying to make your local look bad on an Internet forum doesn't help members against employersIn other words, you are posting about stuff that you do not know about.
If you listen to LagunaBrown, you would think that we are fine and PK has done a great job in the 17 years he has ran local 952.
But our LM-2's show that we are down almost $1.5 million dollars in net assets since he has taken over and we are down almost 4000 members.
Does that sound like good management to you?
Oh my little economist is back and still talking out of his ass....... If the local was not solvent it would be merged or trusted like your girl Sandy's local. Dont waste my time because you been mouthing the same crap for years to no avail. We all know the reformers are done at 952. I want the bang to come back but I "heard" he was told to shut up... Is that why the bench warmers like you showed up?In other words, you are posting about stuff that you do not know about.
If you listen to LagunaBrown, you would think that we are fine and PK has done a great job in the 17 years he has ran local 952.
But our LM-2's show that we are down almost $1.5 million dollars in net assets since he has taken over and we are down almost 4000 members.
Does that sound like good management to you?
Show me one time when I have ever called you by name? Funny how you do so to stewards and local officials yet you hide on the Internet. To answer your question, No there is no pot calling the kettle black, only people criticized who put their name on the line vs internet cowards like yourself. I would love to work with all of you for the good of the members and the Teamster organization if that was truly your agenda but we all know you are politically motivated or you would have come to me face to face years ago. All of you call me by name but not one has ever talked to my face or tried to work together. What does that say about you? Now that you HAVE to come out to form a slate after all these years it's my turn to criticize you....... You talk the talk but yet to see if you walk the walk.Lagunabrown, you call people on this site Internet warriors but you and your buddies post just as much. What does that make you?
What the saying??? Pot calling the kettle black
Once again you are showing your ignorance when it comes to local history and politics. First let me say that even though what EM did was wrong he was a good leader. During the time that he held office Local 952 was actually well respected by the members, other Locals, and companies. This is more than you can say for PK.Also just for your info EM and PK were good friends. TDU buddies. Some more history for you. Actually when EM was first removed there were many that disagreed with PK being put in charge including some of the BAs and many of the older membership. Some of the retirees that still hang around were very vocal about not wanting PK as a leader.Seriously you are gonna compare Eddie M to PK? Eddie M was brought up on charges you IDIOT! I guess since he is TDU you can overlook that he neglected his FIDUCIARY DUTY and brought reproach upon the IBT by establishing and implementing a practice designed to strip members who were Local employees of their right to run for Local office in return for their continued employment. He was suspended 7 years from holding a position as an officer & suspended 4 years from membership pursuant to IRB decision. Is that the kind of leadership you are looking for? By the way, would he qualify as one of you and silent bangs "far and wide" buddies? Get out of here with your TDU bull! PK has done an outstanding job working for the members and continued a long standing career of keeping the TEAMSTER brand respectable.