The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Their families were here before ours so technically they are coming home.
Most of Mexico's population are a mixture of Spanish and Native American in the areas of Mexico where the Spanish population was larger. The further north you went there was less.and less Mexican population. The Mexican government only controlled the area that's now in the U.S. for 24 years after they won independence from Spain. And Texas won independence from Mexico after Mexico let Americans in to act as a buffer between the fierce Native American tribes in Texas and the much raided Mexican towns and villages further south. But they treated the Americans badly which led to revolt. Wasn't just the Alamo. 500 Texans were executed.after being captured at Goliad, TX. Americans didn't screw Mexico out of its birthright. They fought and bled and died for their freedom. And after Texas joined the States the Mexicans started pushing them again. Resulted in the Mexican War and taking more than half Mexico's territory. Most of today's Hispanic citizen population came from illegal entry since 1950. But they are established, and citizens, and voted for Trump in record numbers because they see the harm done to their country by unchecked immigration.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Strength through joy
I'm just shocked that the police raided a temporary homeless shelter for undocumented immigrants and found an AR-15, five kilos of fentanyl and cocaine, bricks, and smaller amounts packaged for sale with a street value of $750K, large-capacity magazines and ammunition. { Massachusetts only allows magazines that hold 10 rounds }


Well-Known Member
I'm just shocked that the police raided a temporary homeless shelter for undocumented immigrants and found an AR-15, five kilos of fentanyl and cocaine, bricks, and smaller amounts packaged for sale with a street value of $750K, large-capacity magazines and ammunition. { Massachusetts only allows magazines that hold 10 rounds }
They commit less crime I've heard...

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Only doing the work most Americans don't want to do.
Funny you would mention that. I recently had a conversation with a contractor friend of mine about immigration and he said the same thing. Thing is, he was a legal immigrant, now US citizen, from Venezuela and he can’t even find workers despite an influx of illegals to my area. He said they don’t want to work. Lol. Somebody’s lying somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Funny you would mention that. I recently had a conversation with a contractor friend of mine about immigration and he said the same thing. Thing is, he was a legal immigrant, now US citizen, from Venezuela and he can’t even find workers despite an influx of illegals to my area. He said they don’t want to work. Lol. Somebody’s lying somewhere.
Sounds like he’s not paying his workers enough money for the job